Where's Chris?!

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(*Before we start a little shout out to my twin on Instagram @/Zigi.is.dead Do follow her guys... she iz an awesome person (i am liar) nd she does this amazing episode thing which iz personally my fav😂!! A Ziam Trash nd a dedicated #ZaynTop fan!! Nd if this doesn't convince yu to follow her right now then I dont know what will.....*)

By the time Zayn reached his office he was already late by half n hour. His dad was very angry but one look at the little guy in Zayn's arms his angry died like it never existed!

He quickly apologized and rushed to his office, his Dad following him.

"Just give me a minute" Zayn pleaded and placed Chris' carseat on the table and went to wash his face. He splashed cold water on his face, now he was really regretting having a make out session when he was running late..

He loosened his tie and tried to press his wrinkled shirt in a proper/ presentable state. He walked out quickly to find Chris in his father's lap, making loud noises.

"I am ready!" He announced and wiped his hand with tissues.

"What about Chris?" Yasir inquired, bouncing his grandson in his arm.

Zayn pinched the bridge of his nose and shrugged "When is Harry coming?"

"I dont know. What harry has to do with anything anyway?"

"Chris is always fine with Harry and if I leave now Chris will throw a big tantrum"


"Watch this..." Zayn gave his dad a pressed smile and looked at Chris "Hey Chris??? Who's baba's favourite?"

His son did looked at him when his name was called but the moment Zayn asked him the question, his smile dropped and now he was staring him with wide eyes.. waiting for him to continue.

"I will be back soon" Zayn pretended to leave and just on watching Zayn pick his coat, Chris started struggling in Yasir's lad, grunting incoherent words and trying his best to move. And when his grandpa's grip was too strong he started crying in his high panicked tone.

"I am not leaving!" Zayn tells his son and scoops him in his arm, patting his back until he is not crying anymore. He rested his head on Zayn's shoulder, his tiny fist grabbing a hand full of his coat.

"Now what?" Yasir asks and folds his hands "We both habe to attend the meeting! We dont have a choice... we can ask Louis!"

"Louis is having a chat with the Chainsmoker's team! He is busy at this hour"


"I just dropped him home and Chris is not comfortable around her mother being all touchy with him. Can we like take him- with me?"

"In the meeting?"

"Yeah! I dont think we can trust him with anyone"

Yasir sighs and nods. They walk towards the conference room and Zayn gets stopped at the door by his father, telling him that he'll first inform them and then he can come in with Chris.

Soon after three minutes he gets the order and he kisses his baby's cheek before entering the door.

His heart beat picking a pace on finding Liam's dad on one of the chair.

Okay he got a little nervous- not for the meeting anymore but to prove his parenting!

"Umm" he cleared his throat and gives everyone an apologetic smile "Sorry for the delay"

Everyone nods in understanding and Zayn quickly walks towards the projector, holding his son tight in his hand. He signals his assistant, Jaden, to start the projection.

Colors Of Love♡ -Ziam (B-3)Where stories live. Discover now