Hospital Crisis

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Zayn's entire body was constantly buzzing in fear... his eyes checking on Liam from the rear mirror while holding a crying toodler in his one hand with his other hand on the steering wheel.

A small ray of hope beams in him when Liam painfully squint and slowly opens hid heavy eyes...

"Zayn" he hisses softly, his eyes foaming tears "our baby Zayn.. our baby"

Zayn looks in the mirror, his heart aching on seeing Liam rub his belly. "Liam! Listen to me- nothing will have happen to our baby.. I promise!! Just dont close your eyes..."

"Our baby- I cant feel him, Zayn"

Zayn breathe hitched on hearing that... what if something happened to his baby? Will Liam ever forgive him? More importantly can he forgive himself?

Zayn quickly shaked his thought "Liam- we are almost here.... nothing will happen to our baby"

When Liam doesn't reply Zayn wildly turns back to find Liam hardly blinking his eyes. "Liam- dont close your eyes"

"I cant feel anything"

"Baby talk to me.... nothing will happen to our baby"

Liam still doesn't respond and kept rubbing his belly, the shadows are passing trees falling on his wounded face and hollow eyes.

"girl or a boy?" Zayn urges.

"wh-what?" Liam shuttered.. his eyes slowly dragging in Zayn's direction.

"what do you want, Li? A girl or a boy?"

Liam softly sighs and shakes his head "I-I don't care... I just want my baby" he cries.

"Ofcourse we will have our baby, Liam! Tell me what you want" Zayn promises.

Liam bites his bottom lip and refuses to answer.

"Please fight with me on the gender- like how old couples do" he desperately pleads... kinda mimicking the exact words once Liam told him during Chris.

Liam weakily smiled on the reminder and gently placed his palm on his bump "i want a girl.... now that we have a boy... I want a girl this time Zee"

"NO way!!!! it is a boy and he is gonna be team Daddy too"

"You wish" Liam scoffs but a small smile creeps on his face.

"You dont want a girl?" Liam softly asks and rubs his tummy in circles "a little princess to spoil"

Zayn heart blossoms at the thought... yea he can get use to have a little princess running around... "A girl sounds lovely... but she'll be team Daddy too"

"As long as you don't name her after some Marvel or DC character"

"I was thinking Diana" Zayn offers, though honestly he never fucking thought at the names.

"No- sounds old"


"No" Liam snaps



"Ok how about Scarlett?"

"How about a nO?"


"Zayn...... No"


"What even are you saying? Who names his daughter Robin"

"Okay! How about Pepper"

"You know what? I want a boy"

"No..... mary jane?"

Colors Of Love♡ -Ziam (B-3)Where stories live. Discover now