Not on the Same Page

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Zayn's P.O.V:-

It was like the world frozed around me, taking all the air along. For a second I forgot how to breathe. If it was for Chris loud shriek snapping me into my nightmare (real life).

"P-pregnant?" I painfully gulped, nodding tentatively as I looked at Liam, next thanking the seven stars on seeing a horrified expression on his face.

I moved my hand to ink my fingers with his, giving him an assuring smile.

'Abortion is for the best'

Liam held my hand tight "umm" he cleared his throat and looked at Dr.John, he trailed off "and? I mean..."


"And we suggest abortion" Doctor announced.

I sighed and nodded in agreement, holding Liam's hand tight "So.... when can we come for abortion?" I asked, bouncing Chris on my other hand.

"You can sign the papers now! But there's one more thing, Zayn!" He waited for me to answer and when I nodded, having all my ears on him, he continued "if we goes through to abortion- Liam wont be having babies anymore. You know how rare Male pregnancy are and- and studies says he wont be able to bear fetus after abortion!"

and I was about to agree again when Liam abruptly pulled his hand from mine and slammed the table angrily.

"I refuse"

I widened my eyes. No! No! No! Please No!!

"I am having this baby" Liam announced and suddenly my heart picked speed like a ran a mile.

"Liam- calm down please.. I know how much this mean to you but try to understand" Dr.John practically begs.

"THERE IS NOTHING TO UNDERSTAND!!" Liam yells, startling Chris in my arm. I am sure Chris never saw this side of Liam.

"Liam" I whispered, feeling completely helpless all of the sudden.

"CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?" tears swims in Liam's eyes as he yells "why is always abortion the option you got?"

"Its risky, Liam, not that risky than it was with Chris, but it can harm you- You can die"


the only word that echoed continuously in my head and my vision got blur, a constant ache in my forehead as if someone is hammering a nail in it.

The lack of air made me abruptly stand on my feet. I held Chris tight to my chest, knowing very well that Liam wont listen or for least care!!

"Zayn?" He called my name but tears already pooled my eyes are were one the verge of falling.

"W-what?" I weakly slurred out, holding Chris tight.

"What's wrong?"

Liam's question made my every nerve explode in anger... whats wrong? You dont know whats wrong? Everything is wrong!!! Aint that fucking obvious?

"You know whats wrong" I retorted and left the room, before this air suffocate me.

Just as I came out I was bombarded with questions from my family. I sniffed my nose, handed Chris to Harry and ignored everyone. I need space- more importantly I need air!!

I made my way to the car and when I was about to open it, Louis turned me around.

"What's wrong, Zee? Is Liam okay?"

"Why don't you ask him?" I angrily spat and tried to turn but Louis was holding my arm tight.

"Whats wrong?" He repeated.

Colors Of Love♡ -Ziam (B-3)Where stories live. Discover now