Just a fuck buddy

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Al grinned, not all ashamed. "Hey, bro ... come on, we gave you a little bit of a distraction."

I rolled my eyes at his childishness, but hey, that's Alan Barrow for you, ladies and gentlemen, never taking anything seriously, which is fun, but not in such moments. 

Byron glared at his friend, while I, knowing he was pissed because he doesn't exactly ... um ... approve of this type of mingling between roommates, silently put my clothes back on, well, just my jumper that was on the ground, the skirt, Al threw it who knows where, lucky thing I still had my panties on.

I can't deny I was getting nervous because of the awkward situation, with Byron glaring at Al and Al smirking his ass off, as usual, while I was in the middle, flustered.

"Um ... sorry if we ... disturbed you?" It came out more like a question, but it did have Byron's eyes land on me, I guess for the first time, because they widened and raked my body as if seeing me for the very first time ever. He shook his head soon enough, as if to delete wrong thoughts, of which nature, even I could guess ... 

He's my closest friend among the three of them, and that explains why he's the more reluctant one when it comes to the little thing Al proposed we do, but I guess it's not a matter of not appreciating me ... because, before he tore his gaze away, I read clear hunger in Byron's deep brown eyes ...

"We have rules, guys." He mentioned in a serious tone – I bet the one he uses at work.

Al rolled his eyes as he pulled up his sweats. "We never respect that rule, Bye."

I frowned. "What rule?"

Al grinned impishly, the kind of grin I get from the child I babysit when he's up to some mischief or he's just done something he knows I'll scold him for. "Well ... if you wanna know ... we kinda have a rule about not going at it when other roommates are in range of ears or eyes."

Oh. That's pretty fair, I guess. And ... it means I broke that rule many times already. Whoops. But I don't think that was the issue, because Byron rolled his eyes as well, therefore I inhaled deeply and walked up to him, standing in front of him, trying not to smile at the fact that he was nearly straining his neck not to look down at me, in the predicament I was, which wasn't as indecent as it would seem, I mean, yeah, I was wearing only a jumper and panties, but hey, the jumper covered the upper side of my thighs at least. "We didn't think it through, sorry if we disturbed you, we'll be careful next time –"

"Next time, huh? Can't get enough of this sex machine, can you?" Al's voice came to cut me off, and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, Alan." I barked, but he only chuckled, so I focused back on Byron, who looked really pissed, if I gotta be honest. I tentatively smiled sweetly at him, to smoothen his grim features, and it sort of worked, there was the tiniest hint of a smile, but if faded soon. 

In the end, Byron sighed, but I knew there was something he wasn't telling me, possibly because there was Al there with us, in fact as soon as our cheeky roommate announced he'd be going off to take a shower, and Byron and I remained alone, he spoke up, a little bitterly: "You shouldn't do that."

I shifted on my feet, arching an eyebrow at him as I tilted my head to the side, confused. "Do what?"

He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, then gestured to the couch confusedly as he repeated: "That."

"Care to elaborate?" I sassed, knowing where was he getting at, just wanting him to voice it.

He sighed, shaking his head. "Never mind." Then he moved to leave.

The Storm In Their Hearts - Aching Hearts Series #3Where stories live. Discover now