Magical Vagina

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I'll admit I had fun writing this pov :D

let me know what you think :)



I woke up to a woman yelling. I mean, just as I opened my eyes, I could hear this woman cursing or something. I didn't even think it through, honestly. My mind did all on its own: woman screaming, 8 am, it all connected to her.

That's why I kicked the sheets off my feet and barged out of the room, being barely able to get a glimpse of her as she stormed into her room, muttering obscenities under her breath. I heaved a big sigh. Thank God, she was only angry, not harmed.

Yeah, maybe it was exaggerated, but ... it just got to me that she might be hurt and ... nothing, blood just rushed to my brain, and I reacted out of instinct. Once she was gone, I dropped back against the wall beside my room. Our bedrooms are across from each other. I hear her crying at night. I hear her sobbing. Those sounds break my goddamn heart every time.

I also hear her sneaking out when it's all silent, and I don't need to see where she's going, I can just imagine. Normally I couldn't care less, but ... lately, the thing irks me. Especially because I know what a fucking asshole Will is with her. It's like watching the girl of your dreams consume herself for that jackass of a boyfriend she has but will never leave. And I know it's an idiotic comparison, but I just can't help it.

Goddamn, the way Becks makes me feel, no woman ever has. There's just something about her, every single one of my good man nerves stand up for her and I only feel like sneaking into her room at night, and spooning her, consoling her, giving her my shoulder to cry on. I guess it's a good thing she's never in there lately. Always on the other side of the apartment. Last night included.

Don't take me wrong, I'm not jealous ... just irked. I don't even know why. It's weird, because she gives me this mix of feelings I can't quite pinpoint, I mean, on one side, I feel like comforting her when she's down the gutter, wiping away her tears, doing my best to make her smile, yet on the other side, I only feel like pinning her down on my damn bed and fucking her brains out night and day. It's weird.

Because she inspires me both painful boners that are pretty hard to get rid of, especially when she leaves me hanging, and very tender thoughts of cheesy schoolboy smitten with his sweetheart. It's just weird. Because I've had many fuck buddies, many booty calls, but you think I ever cared for their feelings? Nah. It was none of my business. Usually those are just one-night-stands: quite simply I pick up this or that girl at the bar and we have fun, normally in the morning they're mindful enough to leave before my roommates wake up. There's nothing more to it.

Yet Becks ... eh, Becks is a whole different thing. Lately I find myself spacing out at work while thinking of her. Can you believe it? I, Alan Barrow, king of one-night-stands, high school – and for good measure college – manwhore, who's never once committed to a girl, find myself thinking of my fucking hot roommate.

In the beginning I let it slide, thinking it was only because I kept picturing her damn curves, her juicy ass swaying out of the kitchen or living room, those perfect-to-squeeze boobs, those yummy lips ... in a word, I let it slide because I thought it was normal, I mean, hadn't I felt like fucking the hell out of her, I should have started worrying about my heterosexuality.

Even though, that has never quivered, but ... I may as well tell you I took the 'college is time for experimenting' kind of literally. Long story. Just know that, I love women, but trying the opposite team for once wasn't too bad.

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