Bye Bye World

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"Ok, so now sign here, and it's all done." She told me with a small smile, indicating the spot for me to apply my signature. The news she just gave me was huge, yet all I kept thinking was I'm such a whore, such a goddamn whore.

You see, the woman that so kindly put an end to all of my troubles was none other than Claire. Byron's Claire. My boyfriend's fiancée, yeah. Or rather, ex fiancée, given that he broke up with her merely a couple of days ago. For me.

Her fiancé broke up with her four days ago to be with me, yet Claire was right here, helping me put my past troubles with the law behind me.

When she called me, asking to meet, I thought she wanted to tell me off, whoop my ass for having stolen her man so cunningly, yet ... no. All she did was show me the papers, explain to me how she was able to prove that my past crimes have become statute-barred, and that I didn't attempt at my husband's life, it was self defense because he was charging me, furious and with what looked like a gun in his hand. 

There was indeed a gun, but it wasn't loaded, I knew that, yet Claire made it look like I had every reason to fear for my life. She said, the gun wasn't loaded that time, but what if it will be the next time?

I couldn't argue with that, because she knew the utter truth I never told Byron.

Josh never hit me or anything, but abuse was there. He kept me hooked to drugs. I never told Byron and I never will, but it started the first times I began questioning my husband's orders. When threatening me to hand me over to the cops for my past misdeeds started not working anymore, Josh decided to play heavy.

One morning, I got a dose of cocaine with my breakfast. You'd think it's stupid, because one would recognize the odd taste, in fact I did, and rejected it, but Josh quite simply forced me to shoot up heroin in my arm. Long story short, I went back to my old habits.

I told Byron that threatening to hand me over to the cops was the sole trick Josh used to keep me chained to him, I could have never told him my husband forced me to get a dose of heroing twice a week, could I?

In a way it was also somewhat ... merciful of Josh to keep the dosage down, that way addiction wouldn't be as strong as it was before. I do have a problem, though. I mean, I'm clean, have been clean since all of this mess started about me throwing my husband off the stairs, consequently causing him medium harsh injuries started, I haven't been touching drugs.

Being in prison has helped a lot, to be honest. I mean, I've spent four weeks in prison before deciding to call Byron, that was enough for me to meet this odd Russian lady that decided to help me out with my addiction.

So I'm clean. I'm clean, divorced, and perfectly fine. But Claire thinks I should go to rehab nevertheless. The trouble is, how am I gonna tell Byron that I'll have to spend 28 days in a rehab facility in Rhode Island?

It was actually Claire to get me in. She's been so incredibly kind with me that I should begin to think she's only trying to get me out of the way so that she can try and take Byron back.

I signed the papers and she smiled sweetly, folding them all back together. "Well then, from now on you're truthfully a free woman, Maya. Your old crimes have become statute-barred, the charges for attempted murder have been cleared. You can start on a clean slate."

I stood with her, nodding. "Thank you, Claire."

She shrugged. "It's my job." She claimed.

Meeting at Byron's place wasn't a great idea, but ... you know, I kinda live here for now. We walked together to the door, none of us dared say anything more. Personally, I had no idea what to tell her. I mean, what do you say to the woman that's just saved your ass after you've just stolen her fiancé?

The Storm In Their Hearts - Aching Hearts Series #3Where stories live. Discover now