As hot as a freaking goddess

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I smirked as Will sent me the nth knowing look while cutting onions. It's been like this since over a week, since we fucked on the sofa, that is. It's like he's playing cat and mouse with me, teasing me to see how long will it take me before I beg for another round. Well, he's dead wrong if he thinks I'm gonna be the one to go ask for a remake.

I can't deny I still feel tingly at the memory of what we did and every time he, not so involuntarily, brushes my arm, I feel hot all over again, but I'm not that horny as to just sneak into his bedroom at night and ask him to fuck me. I'm not like that. What happened the other day was one in a million, because I was on short and he's hot, but it's not like I'm the kind of girl that gives it to whoever.

Then again, neither am I exactly a perfect good girl. I just do what I feel like. Must be because I'm tired of repressing myself after all those years in that horrible house. Either way, it's not like I'm gonna be his little doll. He can forget about it, I'm no bimbo he can use for his pleasure just because his girlfriend dumped him.

He can do what pretty much every man does and seek a one-night-stand, if he really likes, maybe he could take advantage of his being a barman to get a fling, I'm sure it can't be that hard for him. I mean, with him being so hot, I'm sure girls are at his feet. 

He's got this sexy nerd look that just screams 'panty-dropper', I mean, I'm not saying he's the guy of guy that, he looks at you and, boom, you're pregnant, but certainly he's got that kind of charm that makes panties drop to the floor, soaked in arousal, if you know what I mean.

Then again, all my roommates are that kind of hot, it's just that Will is different because, while Al is the usual kind of hot, you know, tall, blonde, sculpted, cheeky, and Byron is the muscled but sensitive type, Will is the kind of guy you'd never imagine being a nerd, or sort of, yet he's got every stereotypical characteristic of a nerd, just misses the freckles, the clumsy attitude and the puny frame. In a word, he's the kind of nerd that looks like a model, the kind you find in magazines, the difference is, he pulls off that sort of look naturally, not like those models that seem so fake with their nerdy glasses.

Either way, while I wouldn't mind another round with him, I'm not gonna be the first one to budge. Yet ... a bit of teasing wouldn't hurt, would it? 

Hence, while he was cutting onions, preparing dinner for all of us, this being a lame Tuesday where everybody stayed at home, even Al for once, I saw to slide behind him after having grabbed my bottle of water from the fridge, purposely fondling his sexy ass, which made him smirk visibly, but he didn't say anything, so I silently went back to the living room.

Al was laying on the sofa, his feet dangling off it, as he watched TV, Byron was in his room taking a shower. I grabbed Al's feet, and took them off the couch to sit, making him groan in dissatisfaction, but wink when he placed his feet on my lap. Playfully, I smacked them off, grimacing as I claimed they stunk, which had him jokingly rub them over my face, so that I ended up laughing while rebuking him ... my roommates and I get along pretty well, you know.

Aside from his flirting, Al is a nice guy, and we play without so much of a fuss, Byron instead, he's more of a serious kind of guy, but he's really kind, at least with me, with his friends he's a little grumpy. I guess because I'm the only girl here?

Al and I laughed it off like kids, at least till he startled me by sitting up abruptly and pulling me onto his lap, and I didn't have time to move away, because he lay back, me against him. I asked why, and he shrugged, saying it felt more comfortable that way. I know, I shouldn't have laid on the sofa with my roommate, but there was no harm in it, we really did nothing but lay back and watch TV.

The Storm In Their Hearts - Aching Hearts Series #3Where stories live. Discover now