Netflix and Chill

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The week went by just fine. I spent it as usual, working then hanging out with the guys, bonding with them, having fun. Nothing hot happened, but I was perfectly fine that way. 

Will is seriously becoming a whole different person from the nasty jerkface I was used to, and I'm actually glad, because this other guy is pleasant to be around, not a sunshine, but at least he smiles more and laughs more. It's refreshing.

We were getting into August, and in a couple of weeks it would be my birthday, but I haven't told anything to the guys, simply because I don't want them to know. You see, I've quit celebrating three years ago, for obvious reasons, and I really don't want to change that. It would be too depressing.

Especially because, along with my birthday, the horrible anniversary falls. I should count it as a week later, but I'll always count the night I saw him for the last time. Hence, 31st August, to me, doesn't mean I'll be turning 23, it'll mean that it's been already four years since I lost the love of my life. Nothing to celebrate, is there?

I like to focus on the matters at hand, though. It helps keeping sorrow at bay, and hanging out with the guys is like a manna to my mood, even more now that I'm not cranky because of Will and his nasty comments.

One problem I'm having now is that the ice cream parlor closes at the end of August, because it only opens for the three months of summer, my boss counts September as already Fall, so nothing. Hence, I gotta find a new job within four weeks. Lucky thing that Jackson still won't go to school, therefore I'm still needed as babysitter. I don't wanna start having problems with rent and such, therefore I was already seeking a new place to work at. Found nothing, useless to mention.

Now, where was I? Working, obviously. It was a Saturday, where else could I be other than at the ice cream parlor? There were less people than usual, so I could kinda slack off, reading The Three Musketeers, which is proving to be really interesting. Will said we'd discuss it as soon as I've finished it, and I can't wait, just to have someone to share my opinions with.

The truth is, I've got no friends aside from the guys. And that's a bit sad, I guess, so I've decided I'd carve out some time to meet new people as well. Easier said than done. With how much I work, I'm always too tired to go out, and I actually don't even want to, because it's just perfectly nice hanging out with the guys, playing with them, laughing and chatting.

It makes me smile that neither of them goes out anymore to stay indoors with me. They're just so cute when they act like that. Well, Will does go out, but it's for work. I think I'll be paying him a visit at his bar one of these nights, just to do something different.

Now, I was about to finish a chapter, when the bell hung at the door informed me we had new clients, therefore I lingered enough to finish reading the last sentence only, then grabbed my notepad and walked over to the couple that had just sat in one of the booths beside the window. Once I was closer, I realized the girl was familiar, in fact she looked at me confused as well, but I couldn't quite remember where had I seen her.

I asked what would they like, and the guy – not very tall, but with broad shoulders, kinda stocky, meaning that he might have had a grand physique back in the day, but age kinda had it disappear, Hispanic, not very good looking, seemingly close to 40– ordered for both of them, I glanced to the girl – dark skinned, long curly dark hair and piercing dark brown eyes, very beautiful – to see if she was okay with it, and she nodded, even if a little warily.

It wouldn't have taken me long to make the ice creams, but I was too busy studying the couple. The girl looked so familiar ... where did I see her? Those eyes sure leave an impression. Dark brown eyes. My social circle isn't very wide, therefore I don't even know many girls, aside from the ones I've met last weekend at – oh! Maya! Byron's Maya, that's who she is! I knew I'd seen her somewhere.

The Storm In Their Hearts - Aching Hearts Series #3Where stories live. Discover now