Bitter confessions

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"Do you really have to go?" I asked for the billionth time, whiny, while I watched him finish packing.

I was up only because Al was leaving and I would have killed Will if he hadn't let me say goodbye. I did have to promise to go back to bed once we'd parted. I'm fine, I've recovered, really I have, but you know Will, still panics.

He even had me miss Al's parents' vows renewal because he said I was still too weak to endure such a long trip as the one to their hometown is. I fought it, trust me, I did, with all my might, but Jerkface had both Al and Byron back him up, and even Maya, so I had to give up. 

I spent this stupid week in bed, glaring at Will, who didn't even bother, because Al indeed went to his parents' celebration, and he remained there a whole week with the excuse of saluting them before going to Europe.

I've missed out on his last week in this country, and I hate that. Now I only have tonight left before he leaves, because he came back just a couple of hours ago, and he's spent them all showering and packing, highly ignoring me, then tonight we're having a small party with his friends and colleagues that want to say goodbye, and he's leaving tomorrow in the early morning because it takes 9 freaking hours to fly there, so that means I barely have a few hours left of him before having to say goodbye, and that honestly makes me want to cry.

It's been a week since he told me was leaving for Europe, and I still haven't digested it, and it doesn't help that he won't tell me anything about anything, every question I ask, he plays dumb, half answers, tells me not to worry, but how can I not? 

Out of the blue he's travelling across the world, putting a whole damn ocean between us, and he won't tell me why! Besides, how can I know he'll be fine? These days you can never know, and with all that is going on in Europe lately, really it's not a great idea to go there.

Al chuckled, shaking his head. "Becks ... I'll be fine. I'm going to Italy for work, not to fight war in Syria or something."

"There's mafia in Italy." I pointed out, crossing my arms, pouting, but he laughed.

"Not in Trentino Alto Adige, sweetheart."

"How do you know?" I huffed, giving him a dirty look, but again, Al just laughed. He's been treating me like a silly child he finds adorable when she pouts or whines. I'm not that, I'm an adult woman and I want answers! But no, he just went back to packing.

I feel like crying. He's leaving ... for one entire year. Do you hear me? He's leaving for a whole goddamn year! And I don't know why! He keeps saying it's for work, but he doesn't need to go to freaking Europe to advance in his job, he can stay here!

"Becks, relax, it's just one year. 12 months, nothing more than that."

I rolled my eyes at his lame attempt at soothing me. How can it be nothing? It's a whole year! It's not like he's leaving for a weekend, going home or whatever, he's going to freaking Italy for a whole freaking year! How can that not upset me? Especially when I can easily perceive he's hiding something and won't tell me!

"But do you really have to go?" I whined for the third time, pouting my lips, honestly hoping that that could work its magic and convince him to stay. 

I know I'm selfish for wanting this, but is it so bad that I don't want to lose my friend? It's a whole year! Even only this week was horrible, because I missed him so bad. I care for Al, deeply, and I don't want to spend a whole year far from him. Especially when I know he's leaving for a reason he won't tell me.

The Storm In Their Hearts - Aching Hearts Series #3Where stories live. Discover now