May the best man win

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I woke up to the strangest feeling in the world. Not one, but two cozy male bodies lay against me, each at my sides, and held me close. 

However, I felt a little out of breath because of how they were so snuggled against me, their faces hidden behind each side of my neck, their arms around me, they had me completely sandwiched between them, and it felt good, weirdly good, but ... hey, I needed to breathe here.

Hence, I tried to wriggle out of their grip enough to pull my face up and get some more space to breathe, but both guys stirred and gripped me tighter, making me yelp. I shifted some more, trying to find a position that would allow me to breathe but wouldn't wake them, and finally I made it. I still lay between them, still sandwiched, they were still gripping me tightly, but at least my head was enough above the sheets for me to be able to breathe.

Now I could take a look at the two sex gods laying at my sides. They both looked cute in their own way, but I focused on the dark-haired one. I already woke up to Al a few times, so while it was nice, it wasn't new.

But Will. It felt weird sleeping in his same bed. I mean, we've never risked doing that and he won't even kiss me. Not once. We've had a lot of sex, and his lips have come a couple of inches from mine different times, especially lately, but Will has never once kissed me. That's why it felt weirder to be sleeping in his arms.

Sure, the weirdness should concern more the fact that I was naked in a bed with two guys – wait, I wasn't naked. I struggled a little, but was able to slightly lift the sheets, so that I noticed I actually had Will's shirt from last night on, and it covered up my body even while not being buttoned – you know, I kinda ripped the buttons during my little show last night – and the guys too wore their boxers.

I turned to my left to gaze at Will. Can't deny he looked cuter like that, with his hair disheveled, his mouth slightly parted, his light snoring ... he looked like a sweet, lovely boy, so different from the jackass I met when I came here.

Then again, he has been changing his attitude lately, he's actually cute with me, he talks to me, other than snarl and glare, he actually sparks up a conversation, gladly greets me when he sees me. It seems like he's a whole new Will, but I'm told that this one was the pre-Mel Will, therefore I guess this is the real him. It's nice. I like the sweet guy better than the jerkface.

I wonder why did he stay. I mean, Al, it's very routine for him to spoon me after sex, he does that, actually, with or without sex, whenever we find ourselves sleeping together, like the weekend at his parents', but Will.

We've had a lot of sex, and all he's ever done after was tuck himself in and watch me as I swiftly got dressed and left his room, a devilish smirk playing on his face. It felt completely out of character for him to just snuggle into me like this.

Then again, I gotta remind myself that the Will I knew wasn't the real one, it was the result of pain, frustration and anger at his ex. This is the real William Foster. Sweet, gentle, kind, even almost adorable. 

Well, not quite. I mean, it's not like he's become this lovely teddy bear all of a sudden, he's still a bit distant, but not as much as before, though I guess it's also because I'm not as comfortably goofy around him as I am around Al or Byron, given our beginnings.

Al shifted in his sleep and kinda loosened his grip on me, finally giving me more space to breathe, but on the contrary Will pulled me closer to him, making me yelp in surprise, and I was about to pull back, but he hummed in his sleep ... "Mmh ... Rebecca ..."

The Storm In Their Hearts - Aching Hearts Series #3Where stories live. Discover now