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Dawn stood outside her and Martin's apartment door not ready to face him. It was supposed to be the happiest night of her life... her dream of winning an award finally happened, she was engaged to the love of her life... but not only had things gone wrong but they had spun so far out of control she felt as if she was falling. She looked at her watch and saw it was six in the morning.

"Thank God, I don't have work today," she muttered as she inhaled deeply and opened the unlocked the front door, tripping over a few boxes. "What the….," she said a loud as she kicked the box out of the way to get a better look at the apartment. Clothes were strewn across the floor, boxes piling high on top of each other. 

Martin walked out of their bedroom carrying a stack of china. "This is the last stack of dishes. Everything we received so far as engagement gifts are tagged on the dining room table and I guess we'll just make an announcement the engagement is off," he said, without looking at her.

"Wh...What? I don't want this to be over," Dawn stuttered as she felt warm tears melt down her cheeks.

"It's not your choice anymore. It stopped being your choice once you hopped into bed with him..."

Dawn let out a scream which vibrated the whole apartment. "Tell me something... why does everyone in your line of 'specie' assume everything so damn quickly. What makes you think I slept with him? I mean is my dress crumbled or put on wrong? Do I have 'whore' written across my forehead. I mean really what is it, because I don’t have the faintest idea," she yelled throwing herself onto an open space on the floor. 

"Maybe the fact that when I called you, you were there and that you were there for nearly five hours."

"And that automatically means we slept together? Where the hell did you learn about girls? The back of a cereal box?" she shot at him. "It's called talking. Richard called my cell phone and it sounded important so I went over to his apartment. We spoke about the past. Martin please... I love you... I came running after you, if I didn't want you, I would have stayed with him, but damn it I love you! Please, please don't leave me," she begged as tears melt on her cheeks. 

Martin looked her over and knelt down to her, wrapping his arms strongly around her. "Shhh," he whispered. "I'm not going anywhere. I love you too, Dawn." he kissed her forehead and then her lips softly, feeling as she exhaled with relief.


Richard sat up in bed amazed to hear Victoria's voice. They had broken up a few days before college ended. Victoria had been his first true love that he had ever opened up to. She made him become who he had always wanted to be but never was.

"Wow, Hi!  how are you?" he asked.

"I've been good. I'm actually in Manila now. I just came here a week ago. I would ask how you were?”

"Actually not great. It's pretty lonely here. John and his girlfriend just moved out, so I'm basically alone," he replied sadly.

"Listen do you want to grab a cup of coffee? I mean if you don't have plans or work or something..."

"It's six in the morning, believe me, I have no plans," he laughed. "And actually no work today. We got off for good behavior. I'd really love to see you," he said wholeheartedly. "How about I take you to one of my favorite coffee shop?"

"Sure it sounds great,  tell me where it is and I’ll meet you there.”


Richard walked inside the cafe, scanning for Victoria. He spotted her sitting at a small table, reading the morning's paper. She hadn't changed much in the past years.

"Victoria! Hello beautiful," Richard said walking up to the table. 

She looked up and smiled. "You don't look so bad yourself hotty," she joked as she got up to hug him. They both sat down and Victoria looked into his eyes. "So tell me gorgeous, I know you're working with Dawn...what's going on between you two..."

Richard inahled and then exhaled slowly shaking his head. "I feel like I am going to breakdown..."


"I hate coffee," Martin whined as Dawn dragged him to the cafe. "We should have stayed in bed, I liked it better in there," he laughed kissing Dawn's neck. 

"Stop that," she giggled and tried to fight herself away from him. "Come on, I'll tell them to make you their specialty. Now let's go." She opened the door to the cafe and felt as her heart broke. Richard sat with another woman, laughing, holding her hand, from across the table. She felt as tears started to brim in her eyes and turned towards the door. "Actually you're right. I hate coffee as well." She grabbed Martin's hand and walked out of there as Richard's eyes moved to the window to see a woman passing by...with another man.

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