Part Eighteen

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A/N: Woah! I'm on Part Eighteen already!? Aha. So, how're you liking it so far? I know this bit's probably a little boring, but I'm a little stuck for ideas on how to get Kili back in... If anyone has any suggestions and doesn't mind sharing them, please message me. I'd really appreciate it. Enjoy ~


Alissa uttered a small moan as she stirred from her restless slumber. Her head moved from side to side and her eyes flickered open. Her face was still dripping with sweat, but the pain in her stomach had reduced to a mere throb, and she felt somewhat refreshed.

She groggily lifted her head up and saw she was in a dimly lit cavern. A small fire was crackling steadily in the middle, and darkness had fallen upon the sky outside. Fili was nowhere to be seen, but his pack was slumped against the wall some paces away.

She pushed herself up from the ground and inspected the damage to her abdomen. Fili had applied a clean bandage, and it was still clear, with no blood stains. She frowned and wondered what had happened, but all she could do now was wait for the dwarf to return.

Her heart lurched as she realized Kili had also left the cave. What fate had befallen him? She longed to see him again, but she was unsure if he was even dead or alive.

Pushing the thoughts to the back of her mind, she laid back down again, propping herself up on her elbows, and she studied the small cracks and fissures that lined the jagged stone walls. All she could do was sit patiently and wait.


It was some time before the dwarf returned carrying two dead rabbits and a full water skin. His face lit up in surprise as he saw Alissa was up and seemingly fine where health was concerned.

"How're you feeling?" He questioned, dropping the carcasses to the floor and slumping down opposite the girl.

Alissa nodded. "Fine, actually. What did you do?"

The dwarf grinned and pulled a leather flask from his pack. Alissa's eyes lit up in recognition as she remembered taking a sip of the fiery drought when she had first met Fili. She smiled and nodded her thanks.

"Where'd you find them?" She said gesturing to the two rabbits.

Fili glanced at them and smiled warmly. "In the forest. I went to look for a stream to refill the water skin and found them on the way there," he explained. "I think we'll have one tonight and another maybe after tomorrow, instead of having one each tonight. In case we find ourselves in a somewhat... desperate situation," he added with a sigh. Alissa nodded in understanding and stayed silent.

"What are we going to do then? Kili obviously isn't here," Alissa said after a while, breaking the silence that seemed to have settled upon the world outside the cave. There was no longer the rustling of trees or howling of the wind, or the leaves skittering along the floor.

Fili stared at the dim walls for some time, before he eventually answered. "I saw some tracks made by a heavy boot leading away from the cave. No doubt they're Kili's. We should follow them and see where it leads us."

Alissa's heart erupted with hope. There was still a chance she could see Kili again. The longing for him had grown stronger, and she prayed, with all her heart, that he was alive and well. She nodded wildly and Fili began to prepare one of the rabbits over the fire.

The girl shuffled closer to the blaze, letting the warmth seep into her shivering bones. She drew her knees up and rested her chin on them, replaying images in her mind. Ones of Kili mostly; his sweet smile, his bright, intelligent eyes, his failed attempt to grow any facial hair - she chuckled to herself after remembering this - and of course, the kiss; his arms wrapped around her waist as he pulled her close. His warm, sweet breath and soft touch. She felt a tears spring to her eyes and she drew herself out of her thoughts.

"You okay?" Fili frowned, watching her eyes glitter with unshod tears.

She nodded but kept silent.


A/N: I probably do a lot of these, sorry. Aha. I hope you enjoyed it. I've posted quite a bit over the week, but that'll probably change when I start school again, but I'll try and update as often as possible. I've got like two more ideas for fanfics I'd really like to start writing, but I promised myself I'd finish this project first. Aha. Anyway...

So, random question: Do you prefer the romancy-funny bits or the battle scenes more? Not sure why I'm asking.. Just curious. I, myself, prefer writing and reading the battle scenes, but that's just me.

Anyway. Please comment and vote. I'd really like to know what you think of it so far. Anything I can improve? I really appreciate any feedback you give me!

Thanks for reading!

~ _imagine_fantasy_

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