Finnick Odair

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The Capitol Woman
"I have a treat for you, sweetie!" the Capitol man hollered out. Finnick followed him closely, pretending to be cocky and smug - when really, he was broken and sad. Another day of sleeping with a Capitol person. . .
   "Amelia! What are you wearing?" the man scolded, snapping him out of his thoughts. In front of Finnick was the beautifulest woman he had ever seen. She wasn't wearing ridiculous costumes like the father or anyone in the Capitol, she wasn't wearing lots of makeup, she didn't have any plastic surgery done to her or anything. She was. . .just her.
   Her raven dark hair cascaded down her back freely, face free of makeup, her pale skin contrasting to her brown doe eyes. She wore a simple shirt and jeans, nothing special or dramatic. Just an average person. If anything, it looked like she wasn't a Capitol person at all but merely someone from a district.
   "You look like a commoner!" the man was saying, snapping Finnick out of his starstruck form.
   "Dad, I'm not wearing ridiculous clothing and makeup." she rolled her eyes. She then noticed Finnick. "Finnick Odair? Winner of sixty-fifth Hunger Games?"
   "That would be me." He walked to her, giving her a wink. "You must be the lovely Amelia your father was speaking of."
   "Apparently." She shook his offered hand. "Not that I'm glad to see you, but why are you here?"
   "He's a gift for you!" the father spoke up. "Just for the night, darling."
   "Really?" she looked to Finnick curiously. It felt like she was looking into his soul and that unnerved him. "Okay, thanks father. You can leave now."
   "Nice making business with you." the man clapped him on the shoulder, leaving the two young adults alone.
   "So how do you want me -?"
   "Don't be ridiculous, I'm not going to sleep with you." She started making her way to the living room. Finnick blinked at her words.
   "W-What?" he stuttered. "But -"
   "Look, my dad got you just because he wants to flaunt to the others that his daughter gets to spend a night with the Capitol Darling." she explained, flicking through channels bored. "I mean, you're attractive and I wouldn't mind sleeping with you, but that's just wrong how you're passed around for people's joy. If we were to sleep together, I'd rather it because we love each other and whatnot."
   Finnick smiled genuinely at the woman, relief surging through his veins. "So. . ."
   "You can just chill with me." She patted the spot on the couch beside her. "You can relax."

And that, was the start of something new in their life.


"Capitol people are crazy." Katniss murmured one day at District 13. Finnick looked to her curiously. "Effie is moaning about how she doesn't have her makeup and costumes." Katniss rolled her eyes. "I bet all of them sleep with weird costumes with makeup still on their faces."
   "Not really." he admitted, playing around with some rope. "Some prefer to sleep in normal clothes with no makeup."
   "Really?" Katniss looked to him curiously. "How do you know?"
   "Amelia Donald." Finnick recalled adoringly. "She was the first and only person in the Capitol to truly love me for who I am. She didn't want to sleep with me - I mean she did, but not because of lust. She said if we were to have sex, it would have to be because we love each other and whatnot."
   "Huh." Katniss mumbled. "When did you meet her?" This was nice for the two to be distracted with this topic; Peeta and Johanna being kidnapped and all. Luckily Annie didn't get taken much to Finnick's relief. Instead, it was the woman they were talking about.
   "She was different to the rest of the people." Finnick said softly. "She wore normal clothes like us, no crazy hair or makeup. She was just. . .her."
   "Do you see her regularly?" Katniss asked curiously.
   "Whenever I'm at the Capitol which is always." Finnick answered. "We got to know each other, become good friends, fall in love. . ." Finnick undid the knot on the rope. "And because of that she's taken along with Peeta and Johanna."
   "What?" Katniss sat up from lying on the bed. Finnick hummed from his spot at the desk in her room. "She's taken?"
   "Yeah," he sighed, "if she wasn't, she'd be here right now. I told her that when the Games disappear from the screen, that's when she should make her move with Haymitch and Plutarch to go to District Thirteen. I made sure they knew she was to come. But sadly -" he angrily tied another knot to his rope, "-she was kidnapped before anything could happen. Snow found out about her and my relationship." They went silent for a while.
   "I'm sorry." Katniss eventually spoke up. "What you've been through. . ."
   "It's okay." he chuckled humourlessly. "I can cope with a bit more pain in my life. Besides, Amelia will be saved, even if it costs my life."

The End

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