Loki Laufeyson (MARVEL/Ouran High School Host Club crossover)

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A/N: Yeah you read that chapter right. It's a crossover. It's crazy, I know. Blame tohru102 she requested it. Just kidding, it's not bad, pretty interesting. Hopefully it's up to your expectations! 😊

Meeting the Brother
"Alright, listen up losers!" Tony announced, entering the kitchen where the rest of the Avengers resided. "So while we have to babysit Reindeer Games, we also have a new addition to the team."
   "New addition?" Steve said confused. "Since when did we have a new member? And shouldn't I have been aware of it?"
   "It was late notice." Tony waved off. "But anyway! Her name is Fuyaki Ootori -"
   "Wait, Ootori as in the family business known for their medical equipment and such?" Bruce cut in, surprised. Tony nodded in response. "Wow. . .why is she coming here?"
   "You know how crazy we get in missions," Tony explained casually, "and having someone with the expertise in medical apart from Banner and Cho would be quite nice."
   "Why do I have the feeling that's not the only reason?" Steve said suspiciously.
   "It's not." Loki agreed, detecting the hidden lie. Tony glared at him. "What? You're in the presence of the God of Mischief."
   "Okay, so she may be interested in engineering - specifically, what I do and her father doesn't approve. So as a cover, she's coming here for medical things, and not her hidden hobby." Tony admitted. "Just doing her a favour, okay?" They all looked to him silently.
   "Is the Tony Stark doing something good that doesn't involve him specifically?" Natasha asked sarcastically. Tony rolled his eyes at her.
   "Just be nice to her." he said before hiding away in his lab. The rest looked to Loki who raised an eyebrow at them innocently.
   "We know we'll be nice to her, but will you?" Steve asked him sternly.
   "Well I have no other choice." Loki sighed in defeat. "In order to return to Asgard I must show I am worthy, so being. . .nice will benefit me in a way."
   "Sure." They looked at him warily.
   "Just don't do anything to her." Natasha warned him, casually polishing her gun.


   "What are you doing?"
   "I'm cleaning this place."
   "Because we have a visitor soon."
   "And who may that be?"
   "My twin brother."
   "What?" Loki stared at her incredulously. "Your twin?"
   "That is what I said." she replied in fluent English. "He wants to visit me since it's been a year now since I left Japan." She looked at him suspiciously. "I suggest you change out of that Asgardian garment and change into some Earth clothes."
   "But -"
   "Unless you want to be on my brother's bad side I suggest you do this."


He stepped out of the elevator, thanking the AI absentmindedly while looking around the rich tower. So this is where she's been residing, he mused to himself.
   "Fuyaki." Kyoya smiled at his younger sister lovingly, accepting her hug. "It has been a while, hasn't it."
   "It has." she agreed happily. "I've missed you, Kyoya."
   "I've missed you too."
   "Mister Ootori!" The twins turned around, seeing Tony and the rest of the Avengers (excluding Thor), Loki looking dashing in a suit. He didn't have to go that far, but Fuyaki had to admit, he looked good.
   Tony approached her brother with a grin, offering a hand out to him. "The name's Tony Stark, it is very lovely to see you."
   "Yes," Kyoya raised an eyebrow at him, shaking his hand while pushing his glasses further up his nose while he was at it. "It is nice to meet you too. To offer my dear sister a place here to reach her dreams is an honour. Thank you for covering it up from our father."
   "How did you -" Tony stared at him surprised.
   "I have my sources," Kyoya smiled, writing down notes in his infamous black notebook, "also because Fuyaki told me."
   "Why is it that his notebook reminds me of Deathnote?" Natasha whispered to her best friend, shivering at the thought. Client merely shrugged his shoulders.
   "Not surprised if Stark is at the top of the list." he told her.
   "Kyoya this is Natasha, Clint, Steve, Bruce, and Loki." Fuyaki introduced. They all respectively said their greeting.
   "Loki, you say?" Kyoya mused out loud. "As in the one that tried to invade this very city?" Loki winced at his words. "Interesting."
   "It is still lovely to meet you, despite the fact you know me as. . .that." Loki told him politely. Kyoya stared at him suspiciously, gaze flickering from the demigod to his sister. What he said next startled them all.
   "How long?"
   "What?" Fuyaki chuckles nervously.
   "How long have you and Mister Loki here been together for?" Loki and her stared at each other surprised.
   "Well. . ."
   "For a while. . ." Loki and Fuyaki mumbled together. Kyoya stared at them unimpressed.
   "Please don't tell Father, Kyoya!" Fuyaki begged. "You'd know what he'd do! He won't approve and take me away."
   "He would definitely do that and worse." Kyoya sighed, adjusting his glasses again. "It's bad enough that you're no longer in Japan, where he expects you to marry one of his business partner's son." He noticed the shared look of pain between the couple, Loki grabbing her hand in his and squeezing it softly. "But. . .at the same time you're my twin sister, and you mean a lot to me more than anyone else." He gave them a small genuine smile, different from his usual fake ones. "I won't tell Father, or anyone. But in time you will need to tell him eventually. Just not now until you know furthermore how your relationship is going, yes?"
   "How it's going as in. . ." Loki said slowly, realisation dawning upon him. "Until we wed."
   "What?" Fuyaki gasped, blushing furiously. The Avengers behind them who were silent throughout the whole thing snickered and attempted to hide their laughs.
   "Oh this better be good." Tony mumbled.
   "That is the only way for Father to at least approve of it. If the two of you are to marry and have a good relationship." Kyoya explained to them. "So until then. . .keep your relationship as low as you can." Kyoya sent the demigod a stern glare. "Don't even try to hurt her. I may be human, but if you hurt my twin in any way. . ."
   "I assure you, that won't be necessary." Loki told him confidentially, smiling down at the woman in his arms. "It is my plan to love her until the day I die."
   "Wonderful." Kyoya smiled, letting out a small grunt when he was suddenly attacked by his sister's tight hug. "Fuyaki -"
   "Thank you-thank you-thank you!" Fuyaki squealed, hugging him tight. "You won't regret this."
   "I'm sure. Now. . ." He pulled away from her gently, "if you don't mind, I wouldn't mind having a tour around this interesting tower."
   "Ooh, I will happily give it!" Tony spoke up, approaching the young man. "Would you like to see the new technology in the medical area?"
   "That would be magnificent, yes."
   "Your brother is nice." Steve noted. "A very caring brother."
   "He's my other half." Fuyaki smiled. "We'd do anything for each other, even defy our Father for our happiness." She snapped out of her small daze and smiled at them all. "Now, who wants to have a marathon of Sherlock?" Used to his lover's inner geekiness, Loki merely smiled at her lovingly and agreed.

The End

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