Felix Ferne

775 9 5

A/N: For Brianie12

Childhood Friends
"An excursion?" She stared down at the sheet dubiously. "I don't know. . ."
   "Oh come on," he whined lightly, "it will be fun!"
   "No it won't!" she huffed. "Knowing you, you sorted yourself into that group which leaves me alone with an angry Ellen in some girly group."
   "You're right. . ." Felix sighed defeated. "But you do know why I need to do this, right?"
   "Of course," her hard stare softened, "but are you sure it's going to work?"
   "It's the only way to get him to walk again," Felix avoided her gaze, frowning down at the ground as they walked to school. "It's the least I could do, since it's -"
   "It's not your fault," she cut him off, staring at him sternly, "it was an accident."
   "That I could have prevented."
   "We both know that isn't true."
   "Is it? Is it really?" Felix sighed in exhaustion, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. It's just. . .I want to do something right for him. For Mum and Dad. Please, Mels, trust me in this."
   "When haven't I lost trust in you?" she replied, pressing a light kiss to his cheek that always sent tingles down his spine. "Fine. I'll allow Ellen to fake your mother's signature."
   "You're the best, Melody." Felix grinned.


The three stood together as Mr Bates read out the groups, Melody holding onto Felix's arm tightly as if afraid to lose him. Felix patted her hand lightly in reassurance.
   When Felix was announced to join three other boys, the two were reluctant to part, Ellen fuming beside them.
   "I thought us three were to be in a group!" she hissed at them. Melody sent him a look that said, "I told you so."
   "He must have changed it up." he lied. Ellen stormed away with a huff, leaving just the two alone. "Melody, everything will be fine."
   "We don't know that." she told him. "You've never done this before - I'm not even sure if this magic is real. . ."
   "Let's just hope, okay?"
   "Felix! Melody!" Me Bates called out to them. "Come on, go to your groups!"
   "Yeah!" Jake, one of the boys in Felix's group called out, "Stop flirting and get over here!" The two flushed furiously at the comment but didn't let go of each other's arms.
   "Just be careful," she told him worriedly, "I don't want to lose you."
   "You won't," he insisted, "I'll be back."
   "You promise?"
   "I promise," he vowed, squeezing her hand gently. "I wouldn't suddenly ditch my childhood friend. You mean a lot to me, you know."
   "The feeling's mutual." she smiled at him sincerely. Their names were called again. "Okay. . .see you later."
   "Goodbye." Pressing a kiss to his cheek again, Melody made her way over to an impatient Ellen who immediately looped her arm through hers, ranting in her ear about how unfair it was that Felix was away from them.
   Felix stared at the two for a couple of more seconds before he made his way over to his group.


"This is bad," Felix murmured, looking around with panic, "this is not supposed to happen. . ." He had arrived at his home after staying a night in the forest, only to find that Oscar didn't know who he was, to realise that he doesn't exist in their life. He also saw Ellen who was not the Ellen he knew, which terrified him. Which meant. . .
   "Melody. . ." he murmured. He ran the fastest he ever ran towards his childhood friend's home, hoping that his nightmare wasn't coming to life.
   When he arrived to Melody's place, his shoulders sagged in relief when he noticed it looked normal, and went to the front door. He went to the plant pot beside the door, lifting it up lightly to grab the spare key, only to find none. Oh no, he thought. Suddenly, he heard glass break inside the house, followed by a yell.
   "Melody!" Felix exclaimed. He tried to open the door when he heard more yells followed by nor objects breaking. Frustrated, he ran to the back door to find it unlocked. Relieved, he ran into the house towards the sound, freezing in his step at the living room.
   Melody was on the floor getting abused by a visibly drunk man - her father - who continued to yell insults and kick her. He felt his world crashing around him, only to be revived by seething anger.
   With a guttural yell, Felix ran at her 'father', tackling him to the ground. The man's head hit the ground so hard, he was knocked unconscious. The only sound in the  room was the two teenager's heavy breathing. He couldn't believe it; everything was not the way he last remembered. First people weren't worried for their disappearance overnight at the forest, and then his brother didn't recognise him, and now Melody was getting abused by her father - who Felix recalled, was a great man, and not some drunkard. What was happening?
   Felix turned to the scared Melody, slowly approaching her. "A-Are you okay?" he rasped out worriedly. He noticed her split lip. "Y-You're bleeding -"
   "Who are you?" she cut him off, staring at him fearfully. "How did you get in? Why are you even here?"
   "I-I -" he faltered, looking close to crying. How could he face her, who didn't know who he was, and how much she mattered to him? "I heard noises and got worried. . .I-I'm sorry, are you okay?"
   "This isn't new," she murmured, slowly standing up with a wince. Felix went to help her only for her to flinch away from him. He apologised again. "Uh, thanks for helping me, in a way. . ."
   "N-No problem," he swallowed, "um, will I see you around?"
   "Maybe. . ." She glanced to her father momentarily. "I think it's time for you to go."
   "But -"
   "Thank you, but I don't really know you, and this is quite awkward," she grimaced, "can we just pretend this never existed?"


"You're quiet," Jake noted out loud, "why are you quiet?"
   "Still in shock that we all don't exist?" Sam chuckled dryly. "Join the club."
   "This wasn't supposed to happen," Felix murmured, pain laced in his voice, "how can this happen? Oscar doesn't know me, Ellen is girly and Melody -" his voice cracked when saying said girl's name, "-she is getting abused by her father and doesn't know me. My childhood friend. My closest friend. Gone in an instant." He buried his hands in his hair. "I want to go home. Back in our world, where life was normal."
   "Melody is getting abused?" Sam's eyes widened along with the others. "But she's like the most kindest person ever! How she is friends with you amazes me. . ."
   "We've been friends since we were babies," Felix sighed, fiddling with a leather bracelet he got from said girl, "and now that friendship is gone. I promised her that I was going to be fine on this excursion. I promised her that I would come back safe. . ."
   "You really care about her," Andy noted, speaking up for the first time, "do you. . .love her?" Felix went silent.
   "Well?" Jake questioned.
   "Well of course I care for her -"
   "No, do you love her," Sam corrected him, "like how I love my girlfriend."
   "I-I. . ." He avoided eye contact. "Maybe. . ."
   "Wow," Jake whistled, "must be hard for you then, since the girl you love is in pain."
   "What about me?"
   "Sam, your girlfriend is happy with another version of you, Felix has it worse."
   "Look, this talk is going nowhere," Felix sighed, "let's just figure out a way to go back to our world."
   "Sure, but Felix," he turned to Andy, "I think you should tell her your feelings when we go back home. I don't think you're aware, but Melody cares for you. A lot, and when I mean a lot, I mean as in she returns those feelings of yours."
   "She does?" Felix's eyes widened.
   "Man, you are so oblivious," Jake shook his head.


Felix hugged his father in relief, glad to be back in their world. It took some time, but they eventually did it. They went back to their world, and found out that their dads and Mr Bates were looking for them nonstop for two weeks.
   "I'm glad to have you back, son," his father told him gratefully, "we were so worried. . ."
   "I love you, Dad." Felix told him sincerely. "I'm glad to be back as well." His thoughts went to a certain girl. "Melody. . ."
   "She's been a mess," his father explained to him sadly, "stays in her room, and when she goes to school she's always alone and avoids talking to anyone - even Ellen. Ellen's been keeping an eye on her, giving us updates."
   "I need to see her," Felix insisted when they got in the car, "I need to see Melody."


"Felix!" Melody's father exclaimed, looking healthy and not drunk much to Felix's relief. "You're back! And safe!"
   "Hey, Carl," Felix smiled weakly, "any chance I can see Melody?"
   "You sure do!" Carl basically pulled him into the house with a yank. "You have no idea how worried the two of us have been these last two weeks,"
   "I can imagine. . ." Felix murmured, running up the stairs and skipping a few at a time.
   Felix opened the door to his childhood friend's room to see her in her bed sleeping. He could see the dried tears on her face, along with the many tissues at her side. Felix went to the side of the bed and sat down gently, as if afraid to wake her up. He analysed her body; there were no bruises and scars, and seemed perfectly fine apart from the dried tears and her slightly paler complexion than usual. He shook her gently, rubbing his thumb on her shoulder comfortingly. "Melody. . ." he whispered. "Melody, wake up. . ."
   The girl slowly opened her eyes blearily, looking around confused before her eyes met his. She was wide awake after that. "Felix?" She sat up in a blink of an eye, tackling him into a hug. "Felix! Oh my God!" She bursted into tears, Felix eventually joining in from relief. She was here. She was safe. In his arms. No bruises, no cuts. . .she was healthy and safe, just the way he wanted her to be.
   "I missed you so much!" he managed to choke out, burying his face in her neck. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for breaking the promise. I didn't mean to, I swear -"
   "It's okay, it's okay!" she laughed through her tears, pulling away to wipe them away, Felix helping. "You're here now. Safe. That's all that matters." Minutes passed, and by then the two had calmed down from their reunion and were now lying beside each other on her bed, Melody resting her head on Felix's chest while he had his arms wrapped around her.
   "Two weeks. . ." He murmured to himself. "Didn't feel like two weeks."
   "It felt like forever," she agreed quietly, drawing random patterns on his chest. "Felix. . ." She lifted herself so her elbows supported her upper body, staring down at him curiously. "What happened? Did anything happen? Is. . .is magic real?"
   "Melody. . ." Felix copied her stance, smiling at her eagerly. "There is so much I found out that I need to tell you."

The End

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