Sebastian Stan

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Public Affection
"Can you believe Sebastian Stan is dating someone like her?"
   "He could do way so much better, really."
   "He could do better."
   "Has she gained weight?"
   "I think she needs to lose some weight."
   "I don't think she's perfect for him."
   "What does he see in her?"
   "Mummy! It's Bucky's fat girlfriend!" She quickly walked down the streets while attempting to keep her tears in, biting her lip while she was at it. Wherever she went, nasty comments went her way along with judgemental looks. Whispers and snickers went around her, all because she was dating someone that others wished to date.
   She's been dating the famous actor for almost three years now, being secretly married for almost a year. They were expecting a child soon - hence her swollen stomach and the insults of her being 'fat'. He said that the comments would soon be over and done with but it hasn't changed since they first announced; people still criticised her and judged her, despite her attempts of getting onto their side. It became worse when they heard she was expecting; it slapped people in the face the reality that Sebastian Stan was no longer available to anyone.
   "All I wanted to do was some grocery shopping." she whimpered to herself, wrapping her arms around her stomach self-consciously. She felt her child give a small kick, making a small smile cross her face only momentarily until she saw a group of teenage girls sending glares her way, snickering and pointing at her.
   She went to speed walk away when she heard a familiar voice that she had been craving to hear in that moment.

"Cassie? Baby? It's me, Sebastian."

She turned to the source of the voice, coming across the road from an electronics store where multiple tvs were displayed behind the glass window all displaying the same thing.
   Sebastian Stan was on tv in his Winter Soldier costume, looking like the threatening character he was to be rather than his soft gentle side. Cassie quickly made her way over to the shop, ignoring the startled looks from the strangers, pressing her hands against the window.
   "Hey baby, I hope you're getting this." Sebastian smiled gently at the camera. "I remember you saying you were going to go out and do some grocery shopping while I'm filming Civil War."
   Cassie smiled at how well he knew her, and vice versa. "You're probably wondering how I'm on tv, right? Well, I'm doing an interview at the moment and the interviewer asked me the topic about the. . .hate you've been getting from people recently, and I wanted this to be seen everywhere to settle things once and for all."
   Cassie bit her lip to stop herself from crying again. "I'm sorry you have to go through this alone while I'm away - and especially when you're in that fragile state carrying our beautiful baby. . .you don't deserve these comments when you've done absolutely nothing but capture my heart." Sebastian looked down at his lap sadly. "I'm sorry that this happens when you're with me because of my job, I mean you already have to stand the long hours and different places as well as the paparazzi. . .I want you to know that I love you, and that I am forever grateful that you're patient enough to be with someone with me with burdens and all and even become my wife and carry my child." People around her gasped, whispers going around while staring at her, shocked that she was his wife, not girlfriend. If anything, it made some of them feel guilty that they have been rude to her when she's been his wife, someone that will be at Sebastian's side until death parts them.
   "Anyway. . .I just want to say to everyone, to please stop the hate. She doesn't need this, I don't need it, and our child especially doesn't deserve this. She's done nothing wrong but love me and have patience for me and my job. I love her with all my heart, and I would be nothing without her. So I hope you acknowledge this video and stop the hate and just. . .in simple terms, leave us alone. Mind your own business. It's almost time for our creation to be welcomed to this world, Cassie doesn't need the stress and we need our privacy. So if you guys could do this, it would be greatly appreciated especially to my fans. And Cassie?" He gave the camera loving smile. "I love you. I'll see you soon. Don't have the baby without me."
   "I love you too." she whispered, smiling at the tv screens with tears pouring out of her eyes. Sebastian smiled at the screen one last time before the channel changed.

The End

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