Levi Ackerman

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The Child
"Levi -!" she gasped, trying to reach out to said man.
"No, no. . ." he whimpered, approaching her limp form. "No, don't you dare leave me -"
"I love you, I love you -" she rasped out, a tear escaping her eye. "I love you so much -!"
"You're not leaving me." he growled. "I just lost Isabel and Farlan, I am not losing you as well on the same day." He attempted to hold back his sobs. "Don't leave us."
"I'm sorry, I love you." she cried, the rain blending in with her tears and washing the blood away from her skin; her form almost bitten in half from a Titan. "Look after her, live on for me. Look a-after her please! My baby -"
"I will, just stay alive." Levi snapped. "Just stay alive, idiot. Don't you dare fucking leave me." He could see her fighting the will to sleep forever. "Yuki, don't you fucking dare - stay awake!"
"I love you," she whispered, closing her eyes.
"NO! YUKI! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" he screamed, shaking her limp body. He didn't even bother being gentle; he shook her roughly, almost breaking her in half. "WAKE UP YOU IDIOT! DON'T LEAVE ME! YUKI!" And just like that. . .

Yuki Ackerman left the harsh world.


Years later. . .
He watched as his group and Eren worked around the old HQ, dust flying around. Memories bombarded him from the past, making him grimace and blink sudden tears away. "No," he muttered, "don't think of the past. I have a promise to fulfil."
"Heichou!" Petra came to him with her usual smile. "Eren and I just cleaned the rooms!"
"Good," he turned away from her, walking towards the kitchen, "clean the stables."
Walking into the kitchen, what he saw made him roll his eyes with a small smirk on his face. There, sat at the table was a little girl eating bread and cheese with tea at her side. Familiar grey eyes stared at him innocently.
"What are you doing, brat?" Levi asked her.
"Hello Heichou!" the little girl beamed. "I got hungry." she pouted. "I didn't take much, though."
"I can see." The bread was merely the side of her small hand. "You need to eat more if you need to be stronger, brat."
"But there isn't much -"
"Hanji is coming over with more supplies." Levi gave her more food. "What did I say about leaving the room?"
"I got bored." she grumbled. She looked up at him innocently. "Isn't this where you and Mummy used to be? I wanna do the stuff you and Mummy did like going to the roof!"
Levi's eyes widened at her words, memories attacking him again - specifically the last time he ever spoken to Yuki. "I'll think about it." Levi mumbled, grabbing her and her food and tea. "You have to stay inside the room, remember? No one can know you're here."
"When will they?"
". . .I don't know." Levi started making his way to their room that happened to be his old room with Yuki. "You can clean the room in the mean time, got it brat?"


"I don't want you to go."
"Well I have to." Levi fixed his cravat. "We need to beat the Titans, don't we?"
"But you will get hurt!" she protested. Levi gave her a small glare.
"I lost your mother to them monsters." he said lowly. "I am not losing you to them." He placed a hand on her head, ruffling her hair. "I'll see you soon, don't do anything stupid, brat."
"Bye," he left the room, "Daddy. . ."


She poked her head out amongst the food and water in the cart, looking around curiously. They were out in the open, in what seemed to be a break. She gasped when she saw dead bodies being piled up - specifically a certain scout group. "Petra. . .Gunther. . ." She easily recognised the bodies. "Then. . .Daddy -?"
"Oi!" a man exclaimed, "What are you doin' here?" The man had came to the cart to grab some water, only to spot her. "Come 'ere ya rascal -"
"Where's Daddy?" She avoided his outstretched arms, hopping out of the cart. "Have you seen my Daddy?"
"Listen here little lady. . ."
"Daddy!" she called out, ignoring the startled looks sent her way. "Daddy!"
"Little girl -"
"Titans!" someone screamed, followed by the ground rumbling and making mini earthquakes. She turned around to the source, gasping in horror when she saw the giant monsters. She could see their smiling faces - specifically their large teeth and mouth and dead eyes. She felt frozen to the spot.
"Little girl!" the same Military Survey man from before grabbed her small frozen body, putting her on the cart full of dead bodies. She screamed, attempting to hop out of the cart. "Don't leave this cart, ya hear me?" the man demanded.
"B-But -"
"You either stay in here or you'll be joining their state." And away they went - but not for long; the cart was too heavy. Titans coming closer, she released a loud scream that even people from at the front could hear - especially one Captain in particular.

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