Preference #5

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A/N: I feel like this one won't make sense...

First Fight and Making Up:

The first time you guys fought was because you were concerned for his safety when he goes to any length to protect Arthur. Merlin didn't see the problem, while you could see it clearly; he was being reckless and almost killing himself with the things he goes through to to protect Arthur. It wasn't until you save him from death did he realise his wrongs and apologised, being sure to stay away from as much danger as he could for you.

Sherlock Holmes:
The first time you fought was when you two were arguing about him lacking the 'sentiment' in your relationship. Sherlock didn't think so, and thought the relationship was fine while you thought not. He didn't treat you special, didn't get you anything for your anniversary - wasn't even aware of the anniversary, and doesn't even tell you that he loves you. He made the mistake of calling you 'clingy' and 'stupid', making you slap him and leave, only to get kidnapped by someone who was looking for Sherlock Holmes. Realising his mistake, he went to rescue you and apologise, and be the best partner for you in the whole world.

Loki Laufeyson:
The first time you two ever fought was when Thor got banished and Loki was to rule over Asgard. You didn't like how selfish and evil he was becoming, thus causing your argument. Loki made the mistake of saying, "I am you King you do not question me!" and with that you left him, coming back when Loki and Thor were fighting at the Rainbow Bridge. You tried to save them by pushing them away from the exploding Bifrost, causing you to fall into the dark abyss where Loki shortly followed, in an attempt to be with you after drowning in defeat and sadness when he realised he lost you.

Jasper Whitlock:
The first time you two fought was during the human years, when Jasper was going to sign up in the army underage. You wanted him to stay, to not leave, but he wanted to go, to defend his home and you. You two left in bad terms; Jasper saying he was glad to leave someone clingy like you to go to the army, while you said you were glad you no longer had to see his troublesome face any longer. The both of you felt remorse afterwards when you both met your end at different times; you turning into a rogue vampire before him and leaving before he even came, and having to reunite years later Ito the future.

Spencer Reid:
The first time you fought was when Spencer didn't come to the doctors appointment for you and the baby. You were pregnant with Spencer's child, and you wanted him to be there with you for the first ultrasound, only for him to go on a case. You wanted him to tone it down on cases since the both of you were expecting, but Spencer didn't want to since he loved his job and he wanted to support the both of you and the baby, not caring that he was risking his life for his job. You didn't like that all and fell into an argument, which resulted in Spencer getting kicked out of the apartment momentarily with you saying, "Fine then! Go on cases and worry me! Come back when you realise your mistakes!" So Spencer went to Hotch for advice, who gave him the advice he sought for. He came back apologising, realising he was worrying you and the baby when he went for cases, making him stay back sometimes and help you.

Pietro Maximoff:
The first time you fought was when him and Wanda wanted to go out and seek revenge on Tony Stark. You being a victim from the bombings had moved on and wanted them to move on. Just because they powers doesn't mean they could how cause pain to the man who only sold the bombs back then. Pietro thought you were on the enemy's side, making you both fight over the matter, Pietro and Wanda leaving you in Sokovia for revenge. The two of you made up when Pietro almost risked his life for Hawkeye, you saving him with your own powers when Ultron tried to shoot at them.

Charles Xavier:
The first time you fought was after the beach incident; the cause of Charles getting paralysed from waist bottom. You tried to help him adapt to his new life, but with Raven and Erik gone, along with the school he dreamed of falling apart, he grew more sad and bitter and didn't want to talk to anyone - including you. You tried to talk to him to no avail, he didn't want to get better and move on. And he told you to go away. And you did. It wasn't until a man from the future came to him, telling him of the sad fate that had you dying from the non-mutants did Charles snap out of his misery and man up and find you again as love you for sure.

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