Chapter 1- Like a girl on her period

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I change into the sport shorts and a black muscle top. I tie up my long wavy brown hair into a high pony tail. I put on my soccer shoes and run out onto the field. I see Jake Greene one of my best friends. His short brown hair gelled into a nice hairstyle and his green eyes on me.

"Good to see you Ryland. What's up girl?" Jake asks, while fist bumping me.

"Not much man. Who are you banging now?" I ask jokingly. He is nowhere near a player, but I mean, a joke is a joke. He laughs at the joke we've had for the past five years.

His joking mood changes. He's like a girl on her period sometimes, it's quite funny. He growls, now that's a sound I only hear when Jackson Ryder is around.

I turn around to see the one guy that pisses me off more than Katy (my brother's 'girlfriend'). Jackson Ryder and his clique, Luke Joceland and Josh Hillott. All the girls flaunt over them, even I will admit that they are hot, but they don't deserve the time that girls give them.

Let me tell you what they look like, Jackson Ryder, the typical player that has blonde hair that is shoulder length, tied up in a small bun. He has blue eyes and one nice body.

Next is Luke Joceland, yet again a player, but with short brown hair, blue eyes with brown flecks in them if you look hard enough. He has one nice set of guns (his arms people).

Then there is Josh Hillott, he was a lot nicer than the other two, he actually had a heart, but that didn't stop him from flirting with most of the female population. He had dark brown hair, paired with forest green eyes.

Overall, they were hot, the girls at my school call them the three hotties, while my group of friends called them the three assholes. Nothing special, just a name to match their personalities. What a shame they are on the soccer team Jake and I are on. They approach us.

"Renae. How ya doing sexy?" Jackson asks with a smirk. I glare at him.

"Fuck off Ryder." I scoff at him.

"Well that hurts Renae" he says touching his heart, "wanna hang out tonight? We could have a little bit of fun." He winks. Luke laughs but Josh gives me an apologetic look. Jake always thought that Josh liked me.

"Screw you Jackson" I say still glaring.

"So is that a yes then? You do want to screw me." He smirks. I see my chance to have a bit of fun and play with his mind. I walk up to him and put a hand on his chest. I feel his heart rate speed up. His eyes widen for a split second then become normal again. He must be confused as to why I'm touching his perverted body.

"Oh Jackson I would be more than happy to come over tonight. I will make sure to wear something sexy" I purr at him, winking. His jaw drops, Jake snickers from behind me. I then start walking off with Jake when I look back I see him shaking his head. He looks up at me and glares at me and I just flip him off.

"That was so good!" Jake says through fits of laughter. He raises his hand for me to high five which I do.

"Did you see his face" I say laughing as well. Jake starts slapping his knee and snorting which makes me laugh harder.

"Enough messing around like a lot of pansies and start running laps." Coach yells. He's like a dad to me, we will joke, but during practice there will be no joking, afterwards, go for it, but right now, it's serious time now. As im running I notice Dylan one of my other friends with brown hair and hazel eyes staring at me from the stands. My heart flatters a bit, he waves and I wave back. I've liked him since the day I met him. I like him, but it's not like I can make a move, as much as I wanted too.

After ten minutes of running we stop, huffing and puffing. We start doing some drills.

"Ryland! Trying out for team captain?" Coach yells at me.

"Nah sorry Coach." He nods and continues to yell at everyone. I've been told I'm the best (not tooting my own horn) and have been offered team captain at the start of each season, but I decide against it each time, because I don't want to steal the job from John the team captain, he said its fine, but I can tell he loves the job, but trust me when I say that I think about it all the time and what it would be like. It's just too much, I also need to focus on school.


Once our hour practice is over we head to the change rooms. Once I'm nearly finished changing, I can hear the boys talking, it only sounds like the three assholes. Before you ask, the boys change room is right next to the girls change room and if you talk loud enough you can hear one another.

"Renae is so hot. I would tap that." Luke yells.

"Did you see her ass, damn." Jackson wolf whistles.

"Guys stop being such dicks, she obviously doesn't like you so stop talking about her like that." Josh partly yells.

"Does little Joshy have a crush?" Jackson says in a little girls voice. Luke laughs hard at this and Jackson joins in.

"Screw you guys." Josh huffs, I hear him slam a door.

"Let's go man." Luke says.

Then I hear the same door shut. I walk over to the mirror and look at my blue ripped skinny jeans and grey tank top, along with my black and white sneakers. As I walk out I see Josh at his locker wearing dark blue type skinny jeans rolled up a little at the bottom and a white t-shirt that shows of his hot body. I walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder.

"Umm, do you need something Renae?" He asks a little confused, I don't usually take time out of my day to talk to him.

"I just want to say thank you for standing up for me in the change rooms" he looks confused, "I can hear everything you know."

"Ummm, sure your welcome" he says a little unsure. I give him a quick hug, then push away to leave, only to be pulled back and met with a pair of lips. This could be considered my first kiss.

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