Chapter 13- Tears and Tissues

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Renae's pov

I open my eyes and my mums ageing face pops up. She has a weak smile and her dark brown hair is tied back her eyes are all read and puffy.

"Hey baby. Glad to see you up."

"Hey mum. We need to get to a hospital! Sky was in a car accident!" I yell jumping up and find my brother and dad both standing near the TV with tear stained cheeks.

"What's happened?" I ask crying already knowing the answer. My dad walks up to me his hair now grey from the stress of work. He holds me tight.

"I'm so sorry."

"What's happened?" I sob. Tyler comes to my side.

"Kid, Skyler is dead. She passed away in hospital. She got into an accident, they got her to the hospital, but they just weren't quick enough." By now Tyler has tears running down his face while I break down in my dad's arms.

I can't believe this has happened, my very own sister. The one person I told everything too, the one I grew up with, the one that protected me from the bullies when I was just 5.

"This is all my fault, she was talking to me when she got into the accident! It's all my fault!" I break down crying.

"Hey it's not your fault." Tyler says rubbing my back soothingly.

I push him away not wanting to be with anyone that will remind me of Skyler. They look too much alike.

"Just leave me alone." I say walking to my room. When I look back Tyler looks hurt, but right now I don't want anyone around me. When I get to my room, I shut the door and cry.


After two hours I hear a knock on the door.

"What!?" I yell out.

"Hey babe." Dylan walks in with sushi in one hand and iced tea in the other, "how you doing" his face scrunched up, "stupid question."

I smile a bit at him. He looks around and sees all the tissues and the tears running down my face.

"I brought food, but tell me if you want to be left alone at any stage okay? I don't want to make you more upset." Dylan says kissing my forehead. Fuck, how my life turned around so fast. I feel guilty for pushing Tyler away.

"Okay. I love you Dylan." I snuggle into him with a hint of a smile. To think my boyfriend could make me happy in the toughest of times, I truly do love him.

"I love you too Renae." I fall asleep before I can even eat.


I dream that Jessica didn't die and she came over and found Dylan and I making out and she jokingly gave us the sex talk. We laughed and watched a movie, then it all went downhill. The scene changed and we were in her car driving and talking when we crashed and she died right in front of me.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's just a bad dream." Tyler is by my side in an instant, shaking me awake.

"How did you know?" I cry.

"I heard you scream." He states hugging me tighter.

"I'm sorry about before. You just look a lot like her and it's hard I guess."

"I know." He responds.

"Where's Dylan gone?" All I want is the sushi now.

"He left telling me to take care of you. He had to go home because his mum wanted him for something, I think his little brother is sick, not too sure." He says shrugging, "now go back to sleep."

I do as I'm told and fall into a dreamless sleep wrapped up in Tyler's comforting arms.

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