Chapter 4- It's not Thursday, it's Friday eve

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I walk into school my black ripped shorts and tank top with the Halsey symbol on it. I was wearing full black converse. It was a warm day so I wasn't wearing my skinny jeans. I head to my locker to grab my books for first period.

Dylan: What's up beautiful? ;)

Renae: Not much handsome ;)

"Boo" Dylan whispers huskily down my ear.

"Ahh. I'm so scared" I say sarcastically.

"I missed you" when he said that millions of butterfly's explode in my stomach.

"I missed you too" which wasn't a lie. I missed him like crazy even though we just saw each other yesterday. I really have feelings for him.

"What have you got first period?" He asks.

"Math you?"

"English. What do you have second?"

"Practice. It goes over two periods."

"Noooo. I want to be with you" he says with this cute frown on his face. I give him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm all yours at lunch" I whisper in his ear. He smirks at this. The bell goes. "Bye now!" I yell at him as I walk in the opposite direction.

"Yeah bye!" He yells back.


After math. I head to the change rooms and get ready for two hard hours of practice. It's going to be tiring due to the warm weather. I run out on the field and spot Jake. I run over to him smiling.

"Sup hoe" Jake greets.

"Hello nice person" I say sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"Look who it is, the slut that broke my friend's heart" I hear Jackson sneer from behind me. Before I can say anything, Jake is holding Jackson's shirt in his fist and is all up in his face.

"Don't disrespect my friend or I will beat you up!" Jake yells in his face. I jump in between them, putting my hands on Jake's chest while slowly pushing him away.

"Jake he is not worth it" I say calmly.

"Fine" Jake huffs and walks away.

"I would say sorry, but you deserve a punch to the face" I spit at him. I start walking to where Jake is. I was about to say something when someone grabbed my hand turning me around.

"Renae, I'm really sorry about him. I told him what happened and he now thinks that you dumped me when really we were never dating and I don't even like you like that." Josh explains.

"Yeah, ok" I mumble then turn back to Jake, "we can get through this. Together." I smile.


Once the two hours are up, we are all hot and sweaty, some guys don't even have a shirt on anymore, they look great and all but let me tell you, sweaty is not a good look on me. We got through the practice with out talking to Jackson. All we got were glares every now and again, but nothing more, thankfully. Once I'm changed I head to the cafeteria with Jake.

"Thank god it's Thursday"

"Why when we still have to get through Friday?"

"Because it's Thursday which means no homework! Yay!" I start doing a happy dance.

"Crazy person" Jake mumbles under his breath. We sit down at our usual table. It's only Jake and I at the moment. All of a sudden Lydia places her food down and looks me dead in the eye, which is very scary for me.

"Oh god" I mumble under my breath, "hey Lydia. What's up?" I say a little louder. She just smiles at me and sits down. Now I'm really confused.

"It's Thursday and tomorrow is your date so I'm staying over tomorrow night. Oh and im coming over tonight for girls night. Ok?" She says happily.

"Yeah sure, just invite yourself over."

"Who said it was Thursday?" Scott asks sitting down. Lydia raises her hand slightly.

"Me" she says quietly.

"It's not Thursday, it's Friday eve. God, people these days" Scott mumbles the last part.

"What's this about Friday eve?" Dylan asks sitting down next to me and kissing my cheek.

"It's a be there moment" Jake explains. Dylan just nods. Dylan grabs my hand under the table, giving me butterflies. For the rest of lunch we just make small chat about everything and anything going on.


Last period went fast, nothing interesting. When I was heading to my car though Lydia messages me.

Lydia: Be there in 10 xx

Me: Cool xx

When I got home Lydia was already there and waiting for me at the front door.

"Why didn't you just let yourself in like always?" I ask raising an amused eyebrow.

"CBF" she replies with a shrug.

"Ok then" I smile opening up the door. We both dump our things on the floor in my room and lay on my bed.

"You know I really like your room" Lydia states randomly. I don't completely blame her, my room is amazing. The walls are a creamy colour with the wall next to my bed is full of photos of my life, with friends and family, then there's my desk in the corner of my room next to the window, I have work books and my apple laptop. Then there's my book shelf next to the desk full of books. Then there's a walk in wardrobe that then leads to my own bathroom. Last but not least my double bed that is like sleeping on a cloud.

"I agree with you on that one."

"God I wish I was you." She sighs dreamily.

"And why's that?" I ask smirking.

"You get the room, the guy and the amazing older siblings." She looks at me with sadness clear. I feel bad for her and move closer to her and hug her.

"Hey, I hardly see my brother and sister and the guy still hasn't asked me out."

"But he will, I can tell."

"Hey you don't need all those things to have a be happy, you have me and that should be enough" I smirk confidently, "and to add to all that, I love you so much. You're my other half."

"I love you too, but you have both your parents that love you." She looks like she's about to cry. At the age of five her dad left, well her mother kicked him out because he was a drunk and starting to get abusive towards Lydia. I felt bad for her.

"Hey girl, screw all this sentimental shit and let's do face masks and our nails." I say sitting up.

"Yeah let's do it!" She says laughing looking better already. I knew that would help. Whenever we get on that topic, either me or her try to change the subject. When she first told me about her father leaving she cried so much and made me promise to change the subject if it ever came up and I do. For the rest of the night we watch movies and do our nails and face masks.

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