Take A Chance On Me- Chapter 3, In The Sand By The Tire Swing [Part 2]

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Normal POV

The car stopped in front of the park. It was a pretty big park, with only a few people in it. It was filled with trees of all sorts, some even bearing fruits and flowers. Kyrie and Greyson got out of the car, of course, Greyson got out first, and being the gentleman he is, he opened the door for Kyrie and helped her out. Kyrie smiled at him, and even thanked him. They both looked around, the number of people were slowly decreasing. Most of them were actually just couples. 

Greyson and Kyrie took a walk around, admiring the beauty of the place, talking and just goofing around. It seemed like both of them knew each other for a long time, but no. They were just comfortable with each other, which was new for Greyson, because he didn't often trust anyone that fast. As they walked around, Greyson fell silent, thinking.

Greyson's POV

I finally remember where I saw her. It was on my first concert here, when I was singing 'Home Is In Your Eyes'. I remember that night, she looked so stunning. And, something about her just... I don't know. Attracted me, I guess. I wanted to meet her after the show, but it was late and my manager and security won't let me. Bummer. 

Well, at least I'm with her now. And it's all thanks to my manager. I glanced at her while walking. I suddenly remembered that song by Stephen Speaks. "I look at her and have to smile, as we go driving for a while. Her hair blowing in the open window of my car..." And as if it was on cue, a light breeze just passed by, and her hair was moving with it. I couldn't help but  smile. She turned her attention to me, and smiled back.  There was something about that smile... It drew me closer. 

Normal POV

It's been a few minutes since they've arrived, and they've gotten to know each other a little more. They both made their way to a tree which had a tire swing tied onto it. Greyson grinned, and grabbed Kyrie's hand, then ran towards the tree. He didn't look back, so he didn't see Kyrie blush. 

Greyson stopped on his tracks and sat under the tree, motioning Kyrie to sit on the tire swing. She did as told, and Greyson stood, pushing her. Both couldn't avoid laughing. It was a great experience for both of 'em. So, they spent their time getting to know each other, playing Truth or Dare, for at least two hours.

It was noon already, and both of them were of course hungry. Luckily, just across the street was McDonalds.

"So, you wanna go eat?" -Greyson

"Umm, sure. But where?" -Kyrie

"McDonalds."- Greyson 

Greyson points at McDonalds and stands up, helping Kyrie up. "Race you there?", he said and runs, headed to the said place. Kyrie, on the other hand, just walked behind him. She watched him, smiling. "Gosh, he's so damn cute.", she whispered. Greyson stopped running and looked back, seeing Kyrie a few feet away from him. "Sweetie! Why so slow?", he asked/shouted while running back to her. She looked up and smiled. "No reason!".

Well, Greyson was hungry. He was sure Kyrie was, too. *ding* Idea....

Greyson grinned. Somewhat near to a devilish grin. He walked by Kyrie's side and all of a sudden just picked her up. "Greyson! Haha! Please put me down!", Kyrie exclaimed, but Greyson didn't listen. He ran to McDonalds with her in his arms. "Greyson Michael Chance! Please put me down!", Kyrie said once again, this time, a bit more seriously. Greyson's smile faded, and he finally put her down. "Sorry.", he mumbled and walked with her towards their destination. Kyrie poked his cheek, "Kidding.", with a smirk on her lips. Greyson just stared at her, a bit confused, and stuck his tongue out at her. 

They ate and returned to the park. The rest of the day went by pretty fast, and they both had to go home. Their driver came to pick them up at 5pm. It was getting pretty dark, and it looked like it was about to rain. Half-way through their ride, it started to pour. Both of them stared outside, and even made bets on which rain drop would disappear first and stuff. Even the ride home was fun. But what they enjoyed the most? Was when the driver turned the radio on and 'Home Is In Your Eyes' played.

'My heart beats a little bit slower' -Greyson 

'These nights are a little bit colder.' -Kyrie

'Now that you're gone.' -Both

They kept singing until the song was over. The chorus was Kyrie's favorite part. Imagine singing Home Is In Your Eyes with Greyson Chance, then he just stares at you. She literally had to prevent herself from hugging him right now. the rest of the ride was filled with laughs and giggles, 'cuz Greyson just kept making funny faces.

Finally, they stopped in front of The Dela Cruz's Residence. The door was open, and two of Kyrie's maids came out with umbrellas. "Ms. Kyrie, Mr. Chance, Welcome Back.", they both greeted as they guided the two towards the door. When Kyrie walked in, she saw her mom sitting on the sofa. "Hey mom!", she greeted and smiled. Her mom gave her a big bear hug. Then she turned to Greyson, who was smiling, standing on the door way. "Hey, Grey. Come in.", she said, so he did. She sat on the sofa, beside Greyson and her mom. They talked for a bit, and Kyrie's mom told the maids to prepare dinner. Greyson was a real sweat heart when he was talking to Kyrie's mom. Kyrie barely talked. She just stared at the Oklahoman pianist beside her. 

"What I'm feeling for him isn't just love, as a fan would.. but love... as in. It's love...", she though. A bit too dramatic for a fourteen year-old girl. 

The night passed by, and the three ate dinner. Greyson had to leave by now, because it's late. Kyrie walked him to the car, and didn't take her eyes off him, even for a second. "Well, thanks for today, sweetie. It sure was fun!", Greyson said, grinning childishly. "Umm, it's nothing. I should be the one thanking you.", Kyrie replied with a sweet smile. Out of the blue, Greyson just hugged her. 

So, he finally let go, and whispered, "Good night, Kyrie. Thanks again, for today. And by the way, that person who texted you this morning... it's really me.", then kissed her cheek before getting in the car, and driving away. Kyrie stood there, her cheeks were red. "Greyson.. Good night.", she whispered as she waved good-bye. 

Kyrie's POV

Holy! Greyson Michael Chance kissed me! Even if it's just on the cheek, it meant a lot.

I ran up to my room and went on Twitter, "When you know he's Mr. Right...", I instantly got replies and DM's asking who he was. Of course I didn't answer them directly. I just said it's someone. 

And I got a new follower request. Greyson Chance! I was jumping up and down. I was so happy! He even DM-ed me and gave me his Skype! Best night of my life!

We talked for a bit on Skype, but eventually, we had to go to sleep. But of course, before I slept, I took a shower. I brushed my teeth and tied my hair into a high pony tail. I stared at myself at the mirror, and touched the exact spot where Greyson kissed me. I blushed again. I got out of the bathroom, and sat on my bed, listening to "With Ur Love" by Cher Lloyd. 

I eventually fell asleep...

**Author's Note

Hey people! Been a while since I last updated. Hope someone's still reading my story. I'd really appreciate if you guys would vote for my story,and suggest it to your friends! Thanks! See ya'! 

#PicFact The picture is where Greyson and Kyrie got to know each other and hung out. See? A tire swing. Lol, no sand, though. But it can be considered as their  'special place', as they call it.


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