Chapter 3

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Avery's P.O.V.

I open my eyes to see Ethan sleeping in an unomfortable hospital chair and I smile on my own.Last night I had a strange dream and I remembered few things or maybe it was just a dream,I really feel that some things are building up in my mind as a little bricks of memory which I hope will lead to a whole building of my memory.

My body isn't healed fully but I mange to stand up a little bit on my bed and then sit on it.I don't want to wake up Ethan,but I really need to pee and the toilets are ages away from here so I guess I have to wake him up anyway.I mean I could call a nurse if it was other time but it is too early and the nurses aren't here yet.

'Ethan.'I call his name and go closer to him and take his hand to wake him up.Luckily he opens eyes and stands up,he's still half asleep.

'Sorry for waking you up but I need to use the bathroom and the nurses..'I try to explain but he cuts me off.

'No it's okay.'He gives me a small smile and I put my hand on his back and he grabs my waist.We go down to the hall and then left.I let go off him and go in the bathroom,I am surprised that I see blood and realise my period has just hit me.I don't have a single pad here what do I do?I'd tel Ethan but that would be way too embarrassing.

A minute or two I am sitting on a toilet and after a while I hear Ethan.

'Avery are you okay there?'

'Yes!Everything's fine.'I tell him and my body shrinks from the pain I have in my stomach.

'Are you sure?'Ethan asks me again.

'No!'I respond without realising that he might ask me why.

'What's wrong?Do you want me to call the doctor?'

'No Ethan just..I just have..that.'I almost whisper and I feel my face tuening red even though he can't see me.

'What do you mean 'that'?Like that 'that'?'He asks me and I laugh loudly.

'Yes Ethan that 'that'.'I respond.

'You know I can get you pads right?'He chuckles.

'If you did that..'

'Wait a sec Ave,I'll be right back.'I hear his footsteps go away and wait.

In about 10 minutes he comes back and knocks on my door.

'Sorry the nurse took it long.'He says and gives me pads,I think I look like a fucking tomato right now!

When I go out I wash my hands and Ethan grabs my legs and waist.

'Hey what are you doing?!'I laugh when he takes me in his arms,can't touch the ground anymore.

'Taking you to your room.'He answers with a goof face.

'I can walk.'

'Yes barely.'He says and we both laugh,I'm still embarassed about my period.

When we go to my room I lay on the bed to rest a little bit and Ethan brings two coffees.I mutter a thank you when he hands me a cup and I ask him to sit on my bed.

'Ethan can I ask you something?'

'Sure.'He nods.

I think twice before I speak the subject I'm about to set up might not be easy so..I'm about to speak when I decide not to say what I was going to say,I'll save it for later.

'What did the doctors say,when can I go home?'

'Um I don't really know,today as you can see you are feeling a lot better so I'll ask them to have you out soon,okay?'I nod and the nurse opens the door.

'Hello Ms Williams.'She smiles,today I have a different nurse,she's dark blonde,tall and is probably in her 30s.

'Good morning.'I mutter.

'I came to tell you that today we'll have you examined and when the results are ready we will decide to leave you here or not.'She tells me and I nod,then she leaves me and tells me she will be back in half an hour.

Ethan's phone calls and he answers it.
'Yeah..Of course Cam,she'd be very happy,yeah..Tell him to get his ass here as well..Okay.'I hear this words and then he hungs up.

'Cameron and Grayson are coming,you okay with that right?'He asks me unsure.

'Of course.'I answer with a smile,to be honest I don't really remember them well but I should try and at least remember them,I think being with them will help.

For the next 20 minutes Ethan and I were laying on the bed and he was telling me about what we used to do in the past.

'And we were talking and I showed you my moon tattoo and you..'

'And I insisted on getting the sun and the stars..'I finished his sentence and he gave me such a surprised look I couldn't stop myself from bursting out of laughter.

'What?!Why are you laughing at me I was just happy you remembered that!'He says loudly and smile again,just then the nurse walks in and takes me to another room where the lighting is white as crap and it makes my head pound.

I take off my glasses and lay on a strange table which as I can guess is a machine that takes photos of your brain and shows it's damage.
This kind of examinations last for about 20 minutes.

'That's it.'Says the nurse and turns off the lights.

'And when do you think the results will be ready?'I ask her on my way toy room.

'The results are ready darling,I just need to give these papers to your doctor and he will decide what to do,I'll leave these with him today and tomorrow morning he'll probably visit you.'She opens the door for me and when I walk in I see Cameron and Grayson,they are talking to Ethan.

'Look who's back!'Cameron greets me with a smile and I hug them both,Gray too,he gives me a warm smile which I swear is impossible to forget.

'How are you doing?'Grayson asks me and sits on the chair.

'Better actually,I was at the examinating room and the nurse said that she'd leave my examination results to my doctor and tomorrow morning he'd visit me.'I tell him.

'That's great,we can hope for only the best.'Cameron hugs me,I laugh and hug her back.

Then Cameron asked Gray and Ethan to leave us the girls for a little while alone and she was talking to me about random stuff,I told her about this morning and how I told Ethan to get me pads and then she told how she had broken up with her boyfriend Nate,which I must admit didn't remember but I told her not to worry.

After an hour,the nurse asked the thee of them to leave me alone so I could rest,Ethan told me he'd be back on the evening and also I had to stay on my phone,so he could text me all day,and then they left.

I took my medication to sleep a little and wait for the evening so E would come. I most probably should have been out of here by this time tomorrow.


Updated finally!I hope ya all will vote and comment for this chap,I'll be posting the next one very soon so stay with me❤️
love you guys.

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