Gorgeous Georgia

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"Baby this is awesome" I said looking at the place(picture).

Our guide, Mr. Andy smiled. I blushed. 

"Mr. Raveechaander, this is  Amicalola  waterfall. " Mr. Andy said showing the great waterfall. The way he pronounce  Ani's name made me laugh a little.

"what are you  laughing about?  " Ani asked me, like a business  man.

"umm,  it's nothing "I replied.  Ani behaving like this to me since we landed on here afternoon.  Maybe he wants to act like a First Class millionaire before Mr.Andy. well Ani's really a Millionaire!!

My thoughts were shaken off by Ani's voice.  He stood beside me and put his hands on my shoulders. Mr. Andy is few feet away from us to capture the beautiful  waterfall being us too.

Click.  The first "click"of our marriage life.

Mr. Andy showed us our picture.  Ohh Ani is beautiful.

Ani's  POV

Mr. Andy showed us the picture.  Y/N loomed stunning as a Greek goddess, in Saree.

"you look beautiful  ma'am " Mr. Andy said showing his teeth to her.  Wait is he flirting  with MY wife.  That's why  I  been trying not to get friendly  with this guy.

"Thank you " Y/N said blushing.

"what is the name of your dress ma'am?" Mr. Andy asked.

"It's saree"she said

" Since you're  a fashion designer ,you also wear western clothing, but I'm  sure that That Won't show you this much beautiful like this Saree does" he finished making Y/N blush even more.

Even I didn't have this much compliment  to my girl, then who is he?

"we're  tired already,  Mr. Andy can you show us our room?" I  asked him not wanting him to flirt  with  Y/N.

"yes sir.  There's  a five star hotel near my home.  So that I can contact you.. " I cut him off.

"what's the name of the hotel? " I asked.

"Hotel of Savannah "he answered.

" oh I hate that hotel,  so me and Y/N would stay in hotel of Springfield. I really like that atmosphere.." I said.  Who wants  a hotel near his house?

"okay,  I'll  drive you there " he said.

He opened the door for Y/N to enter and he got inside of drivers seat.  I stared at him,  opening door for myself and seated myself next to Y/N.

I moved close to her and the my hand around her shoulder and held her tight. She leaned on me. Mr. Andy glanced at us by the mirror for a second and turned away. 


" Two cappuchinos. Do you need anything else sir?" The hotel maid asked.

"no.  And make sure that no one is allowed to See Me unless they got appointment" I said to that maid. she nodded  her head and went closing the door.

"Y/N?" I called  her.  No response. "Y/N, where are you? " I stood up and called her again.


"I'm here" she answered  me from behind.  I turned around  to see Y/N in a pale yellow dress that ends just before her knee, the sleeveless  dress just releveals Y/N's soft skin. 

She walked towards me. "I was changing Ani.  Calm down" She said.

Then only I  realised that I was in panic.

" I don't know baby girl,  I have a feeling that someone may... " before I could finish,  she palmed my mouth.

I stood staring at her eyes.  She slowly took her hand from my mouth.

"Y/N, I"  she again cutted me off,  but not with her palm,  with her lips.  I closed my eyes for a while just letting her do what she wants, and waited for her to pull up.

She released herself from me and cupped my cheeks.

She now came near my ear.  Y/N is so romantic today..  It's surprising!!

Her breath was rushed against  my ear,  and it tickled a little.

"Jealous much,  white cockroach? " she asked laughing.

She must have noticed me when that Andy guy was talking.

I took a pillow and chased her but she keeps running away like a mouse.

" you little mouse,  wait  till this cockroach catches you " I  stopped to catch my breath.

I smelled a strong scent of rose from the bedroom.  I tiptoed to the bedroom. Guess she's not here?

Then suddenly  she jumped on me from behind.  I fell down without balance and she fell on top of me.

"Y/N, you seriously need a diet!!!"I said,  touching my head.

"Really?  I thought it's okay for my height " she said in a sad tone.

"hey I was joking.  You are perfect.  Like I said before,  a beautiful  mouse. Maybe a hamster!! "he and rolling me against the surface and he put himself in top of me.


"First time in history, white cockroach seduces a Little hamster."he said coming closer to my neck.

*ring ring ring ring *

All of the sudden, the  intercom rings.
Who's that person that just ruined this perfect time.  I was enjoying it. 

I too went with Ani. I don't know what the person on other side told him,  his face totally changed..!!!!!!

Who is that???

What did they told him?????

Thalli Pogathey - Sequel to PodaWhere stories live. Discover now