Chapter 1

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Ian Hecox X Reader Fanfiction

Typical Description of Your Character

Your Name:__________

Age: 25

Job: A not so popular YouTuber and working at your mom's Ramen shop

Free time: ________________________

Where You Lived Before: ____________

Currently Location: Sacramento, CA

Live: Mother's house (temporary)

Relationship Status: Single never had a boyfriend

How you look like: A close resemblance to Lacey Sturm (Photo at the beginning for mobile.)

Chapter 1: Here's My Number

You are at the park across your mother's Ramen shop when you noticed these two guys in the window finishing up eating. You were thinking "Can it be them? Is it Smosh?". You went back to the restaurant and headed to the register. You were asking your mom:

You: Mom don't you know who they are?

Mom: No, who?

You: ARE YOU KIDDING?!! IT'S SMOSH!! Remember when I showed you a video of them?

Mom: Oh yes, I remember now. If you want to give them the bill go ahead.


You headed towards them, a little nervous.

You: Here you go.

Ian: Thanks

You: Can I ask you guys a question?

Ian and Anthony: Go for it

You: Can I have your autographs?

You asked very calmly, but inside you were freaking out like a teenage girl.

Ian and Anthony: Sure

They were signing the back of your shirt.

Ian: You know you're not like the other teenage girls that freak out over us.

You: I was on the inside. Plus I'm 25, I'm not a teenager.

Anthony: Wow, but you look so young.

You: Thanks Anthony.

Ian: Why don't you grab a seat, you seem like a pretty cool girl.

You: Alright

You chatted with them and this specific question Ian asked you gave you more attention.

Ian: So, do you have a boyfriend?

Your eyes widened. You felt a little excited and awkward.

You: Unfortunately no. I actually never had a boyfriend, and a lot of guys say I'm cute.

Ian: You sure are.

You blushed because some YouTuber just said you, a normal girl, cute.

You: Thanks

Ian: Why don't you hang with Anthony and I at the Smosh house.

Anthony: I can't Kalel and I got plans.

Ian: Well you can hang out with me

You were nervous and excited at the same time.

You: A...Al..Alright. Let me ask my mom first.

You were going to ask mother while bring up the money to her.

You: Mom, can I hang out with the one with the bowl hair?

Ian Hecox X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now