Chloe's Nightmare

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Me: Welcome back everyone to Ask or Dare the Glitter Force

Lily and Emily: YAY

Kelsey and April: Whatever

Me: We got our first dares and they're for *reads dares* Chloe, they're all for Chloe

Emily: That's not fair

Kelsey: Yeah! Dare us too

April: Shut up stupid or they'll actually do it

Kelsey: Whoops

Chloe: *walks in* What did I miss

Lily: Well we got dares

Chloe: Oh yeah

Emily: But they'll all for you

Chloe: Oh boo

Me: Alright first one, this is from forevermarichat16 and you have to pretend you turned evil so you can go to the shadow realm and kiss Ulric

Emily: What! No way!

Lily: What's wrong with that it's not like you have a crush on him or anything

Emily: *blushes* I-I don't of course

Kelsey: Your blushing

Emily: I'm not

April: Looks like someone has fallen for the big bad wolf


Everyone: *Looks at Emily* Alright

Chloe: Well then i'm off


Chloe: Where are you worthless freaks

Ulric: Who's asking *looks at Chloe* Glitter Breeze what are you doing here and where's the rest of you guys

Chloe: I ditched those Glitter Brats! I wanna join your team

Ulric: About time but your not bad enough

Chloe: Oh yeah i'll show you bad *grabs Ulric by the collar and kisses him*

Ulric: *blushing*

Chloe: JK! I'm not really evil and I'll never join your team so bye *goes back to our world*


Chloe: *wipes mouth* I can't believe I did that

Emily: ungrateful

Lily: what was that

Emily: N-Nothing

Me: next two dares are from pieoflove and Chole has to slap Ulric and kiss Rascal

Chloe: Alright then

*Ulric and Rascal appear*

Ulric: *still blushing*

Chloe: *slaps the day light out of him*

Emily: *cries*

Me: Wow she slapped the sh-

April: Hey there are kids here you know

Me: *looks over to audience* I was gonna say sheet

Kelsey: Sure you were

Me: Don't you start

Lily: Where's Rascal

Everyone: *looks around*

Chloe: He's right here

Everyone: *sees Rascal covered in lipstick*

Emily: I ship it

Lily: Same

Me: Kapril is best through 

April: Kapril?

Emily: It's a ship between you and Kelsey

April: *blushing*

Kelsey: I can see it

April: What

Kelsey: *blushing* N-Nothing

Emily and Lily: OTP

Chloe: *still kissing Rascal*

Emily: Well I guess that's it

April: Um where's Marine

Me: *reading kapril fan fiction*

Kelsey: *taps me*

Me: Oh right, make sure you send us lots of dares 

Lily: But for us too

Emily: *nods head*

April: *face palms*

Kelsey: *looks at kapril fan art*

Me: So till next time bye 

[DISCONTINUED] Ask or Dare the Glitter ForceWhere stories live. Discover now