Last Dare of 2017

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April: Are we really doing this again

Kelsey: Why you scared

April: Was I talking to you

Emily: Oh yeah, you guys are fighting

Kelsey: How did you forget

Lily: You forget a lot in four months

Chloe: Wait where's Marine

April: She's sleeping in that corner over there *points at corner*

Emily: What happened to her

April: She said something about watching the Love Live Sunshine and YuuYuuYuu series finale, so she probably cried herself to sleep

Lily: I feel her

Chloe: So who's gonna host the show now

April: She said if anything happened Lily's in charge-

Lily: YES! YES! Finally all that ass kissing payed off!

Kelsey: She probably kissed Emily's too

Emily: Don't start with your gay jokes Kelsey!

Chloe: Just start the chapter

Lily: You got it! Welcome back to ask or dare the Glitter Force with your new and better host Lily!

Kelsey: You know this is just till Marine wakes up

Lily: Have you seen YuuYuuYuu? She's gonna be out for a while

Emily: What are the dares

Lily: We only got one and it from CatLadyNextDoor and they dare April to kiss a bug

April: Son of a-

Lily: Ah ah ah, when I'm hosting we only use nice words

April: Fun of finch

Everyone: .......

Lily: That works! Emily get the tarantula

April: Tar-Tarantula?!

Emily: Got it! *goes to get tarantula*

April: They said bug! Not tarantula

Lily: But tarantulas are bugs

Chloe: Actually tarantulas are apart of the spider family which technically makes them arachnids not bugs-


Lily: Good point! Emily bring it over!

Emily: Coming! *comes over with tarantula*

April: You're a real ass you know Kelsey

Kelsey: You know you love me *winks*

Emily: I thought they were fighting

Lily: Their like hate flirting right now, don't worry they'll go have some hate *cough* later

Emily: I didn't hear that last part, you cough

Chloe: God she's so dense

Lily: Don't mind that, just give April the bug

Emily: Alright *shoves tarantula in April's face*

April: *turns pale*

Emily: Come on it'll turn into a prince

Kelsey: Wrong animal Emily

Chloe: The tarantula's not really an animal but a-

Kelsey: *inhales* Shut. The. Hell. Up.

Lily: Just do it April, this chapter is way longer than it should be

April: This can't make 2017 even worse! *shuts eyes and kisses bugs*

Kelsey: Wow she really did it

April: *faints*

Everyone: ......

Emily: Is...Is she alive

Chloe: I'm surprised any of us are alive at this point

Lily: Well looks like that's it!

Kelsey: What? Really? This is how you're ending 2017. Like this

Chloe: You're still mad that I kissed April under the mistletoe aren't you

Kelsey: *turns bright red* Of....Of course not! Why would I want to kiss someone like her?! Idiot! Stupid! Dummy! You know what I don't care how this year ends, spending it with you people was bad enough! See you in 2018....I guess

Emily: .......Wait I thought Chloe was straigh-

[DISCONTINUED] Ask or Dare the Glitter ForceWhere stories live. Discover now