Bugs, Fariytales and Ships

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Me: Hey Kelsey come over here

Kelsey: *walks over* What is it Marine

Me: *shoves clothes in Kelsey's hands* Put this on

Kelsey: What is it


Kelsey: Alright, alright

Me: *joins the others* 

Emily: Oh Marine's here

Lily: Do we have any dares

Me: Yep

April: Where's Kelsey

Me: She's about to come out

Chloe: What

Me: Come out Kelsey

Kelsey: I'm good 

Me: Come out or i'll get the sharks

Kelsey: *groans and comes out in maid costume*

Emily and Lily: CUTE

Chloe: I guessing someone dared Kelsey to where a maid's outfit

Me: You guessed it, thanks pieoflove

 April: You look pretty good in this

Kelsey: *blushes* W-Whatever

Me: Next Lily draw your favourite ship

Lily: Alright! *pulls out sketch book*

April: You think she's gonna draw kapril

Me: Nah, there are tones of other ships like ChloexKelsey

Emily: LilyxKelsey

Chloe: EmilyxKelsey

Kelsey: Why am I shipped with everyone

Me: Cause you're so shipable

Lily: DONE

April: Let's see it

Lily: Okay *hands over sketch book*

Everyone: *looks at sketch book*

Everyone: *looks at sketch book*

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Everyone: .........


Me: Why

Lily: Kapril is OTP but ChloexApril has its perks

April: Why are we cats

Lily: Why not

Kelsey: BETRAYAL *points at Chloe*

Everyone: ............

Me: Moving on Emily pack your bags you're going to Neverland

Emily: YAY

Me: *snaps fingers and portal appears*

Lily: Cool

Emily: I'll follow the yellow brick road *jumps in portal*

Me: *throws Peter Pan book at Chloe*

Chloe: *catches book* Do you want me to read this 

Me: Nope kiss it

Chloe: ..... Fine whatever *makes out with book*

Emily: *jumps out of portal* I couldn't find Peter

Kelsey: That's why you came back

Emily: *sees Chloe kissing Peter Pan book* Oh heck no, that's my man

April: What

Emily: *tackles Chloe*

Me: Yay a new video for Youtube *pulls out camera*

Everyone: MARINE

Me: Fine *pulls Emily off Chloe*

Chloe: *rubs dirt off herself*

Me: April go in that closet

April: Um sure *walks in closet*

Lily: What's this dare

Me: *grins* April has to be in a place with bugs for 9 hours

Kelsey: WHAT

April: It's dark in here

Me: *turns on lights*

April: *screams*

Emily: You're evil

Me: Stop your making me blush

April: *screams louder*

Kelsey: I'll save you April *transforms into Glitter Sunny* Glitter Force Sparkle Fi-


Me: Jeez chill April if you screamed little louder i would have let you out

April: *looks at Kelsey* Seems like we had the same idea

Kelsey: *chuckles* Yeah I guess we did

Emily: Alright bring on kapril

Chloe: We all ship kapril but I've seen enough ships today

Me: Speaking of ships *snaps fingers and Ulric, Brute and Rascal appear*

Glitter Force: What is this

Me: Emily kiss Ulric, Lily kiss Brute and Chloe kiss Rascal

Emily: *blushing* WHAT

Lily: *about to cry* No No NO

Chloe: Sure thing *jumps on Rascal*

Kelsey: Oh yeah! We got it easy

April: Don't jinx it

Me: To late you guys gotta kiss

Kelsey: *blushing* B-B-But we already k-kissed

April: Yeah 

Me: A dare's a dare

Kelsey: But Lily's not kissing Brute

Me: WHAT *turns around*

April: RUN! 

Me: *rolls eyes and heads over to other girls* So how's it going

Chloe: *making out with Rascal*


Me: JUST DO IT *pushes Emily into Ulric making them kiss*

Emily: *pulls away blushing* I'm sorry *runs away*

Lily: I don't want to do this but *pecks Brute's lips and runs away crying*

Me: Looks like this is it but make sure to send us lots of dares

Kelsey: We'll be giving you a week to send in dares every time

April: So hurry up

Me: You guys still have to kiss

April and Kelsey: ...... TILL NEXT TIME BYE *runs away*

[DISCONTINUED] Ask or Dare the Glitter ForceWhere stories live. Discover now