The Glitter Games

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Me: Welcome back, it's August. I wasn't busy I'm just lazy. I'm your host Marine

Emily: I'm the clumsy leader, Emily

Kelsey: I'm the sporty gay one, Kelsey

Lily, I'm the shy artist, Lily

April: I'm the other sporty gay one, April

Chloe: And I'm too good for this team

Emily: Together we are

Glitter Force: The most generic magical girl team ever!

Me: Yes! Perfect!

Kelsely: Nah, I think Chloe ruined it

Chloe: You said say basic facts and I did

April: You're getting off track. What's the dare

Me: Oh right. LucyE117 dared you guys to team up and fight transformed

Lily: That's it

Me: Yeah that's why I'm gonna have you guys where capes and the team to lose their capes first wins

April: Where did you get that idea

Me: *mumbles* Revue Starlight

Emily: But there's only 5 of us. Wouldn't the teams be uneven

Me: Yeah so I'm adding a sixth member

Everyone: A sixth member?

Me: Yep. Here's Yui Hirasawa

 Here's Yui Hirasawa

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Yui: Hii~!

Kelsey: She doesn't look physically trained

Yui: I'm musically trained!

Everyone: ....

Me: Let's just pick the teams

Everyone: *picks a stick*

Kelsey, Lily and Yui: *get red sticks*

Emily, April and Chloe: *get blue sticks*


Kelsey: Son of bit-

Me: Oh yeah the winning team will be excused from the next chapter

Kelsey: *groans*

Lily: Don't worry Kelsey we'll win with friendship!

Yui: And love!

Kelsey: *groans louder*

Me: Just transform

Glitter Force: *transforms*

Yui: *puts on guiter*

Lily: Do you want a sword or something

Yui: No. This is fine

April: Alright guys this will be easy

Emily: Yeah!

Chloe: And if things get tough we'll sacrifice Emily first

Emily: Yea- wait what

Me: Okay. Ready....GO!

Everyone: *starts running*

Glitter Peace: *trips*

Glitter Lucky: *confronts her* Time for a Sparkle strom

Glitter Peace: Wait! Don't shoot! I always wanted to say this to you but I never had the courage to. Emily I....I LOVE YOU!

Glitter Lucky: Lily....I LOVE YOU TOO! *runs to hug her*

Glitter Breeze: Nope. Get that gay shit outta here *shoots off Lily's cape*

Glitter Peace: *drops dramatically to the ground* The light I can feel it


Glitter Breeze: Be gay on your own time. Come over here

*On the red team*

Glitter Sunny: We losed Lily. Not a shock I guess

Yui: Don't worry I got this *stand up and starts playing guitar* KIMI wo miteru to itsumo HAATO DOKIDOKI-

Glitter Spring: *barely misses Yui's head*

Yui: *gets back down* Ahhh! Azunya save me~!

Glitter Sunny: *hitting head against cover*

*time skip*

Everyone: *still fighting*

Me: This is getting boring.....oh wait *goes into battlefield* Stop fighting!

Everyone: *stops*

Me: To shake things up I'm disbanding the teams. It's now every person for themselves

Glitter Lucky: No way! We were made as a team and will win as team! The blue team will never accept these rules

Me: Chloe just shot down your cape

Glitter Breeze: Deal with it

Glitter Lucky: I swear to God Chloe!

*some more time skip*

Glitter Sunny and Spring: *confront eachother*

Glitter Sunny: Oh no

Glitter Spring: I'm sorry Kels

Glitter Sunny: You don't have to this

Glitter Spring: Yes I do! I can't take all these Kapril dares anymore!Some of them are getting weird! I just need a break

Glitter Sunny: You can get that another way

Glitter Spring: .....This is the only way. SPARKLE SHO-

Glitter Breeze: *shoots off April's cape*

Glitter Spring: *falls to floor*

Glitter Breeze: Three gays down, one to g-

Glitter Sunny: *sparkle fires Chloe*

Glitter Breeze: *cape falls down* dammit

Glitter Sunny: I won! I WON! I WON! YES! No more stupid dares! No more gay stuff! I'm fre-

Yui: SUPRISE! *cuts down Kelsey's cape with guitar*

Glitter Sunny: *detransforms*

Me: Alright. Yui can be excused from the next chapter and the rest of the book. She's not coming back

Yui: Alright! *leaves*

April: This was a total waste of time

Lily: Agree

Emily: But it was fun though, right Kelsey

Kelsey: Nope I'm pissed

Chloe: Just send in more dares

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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