Initiate the Gayness

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Me: ...Yeah I messed up

Kelsey: Oh really it's April

April: What about me

Kelsey: No the month

April: Oh

Chloe: Just start the book. I have a date soon

Emily: Wha! With who?!

Chloe: Myself, the only person good enough for me

Kelsey: Frickin narcissist

Chloe: What was that!

Kelsey: The first dare is from Damcclub and I have to say how I feel about everyone

Lily: And you can't lie!

Kelsey: Alright. Emily's a loud idiot with a fairytale fetish and sometimes I just wanna slap that damn smile off her stupid face

Emily: You'll have one too if you see Peter Pan in those tights

Kelsey: Lily is just annoying. Her crying was cute the first few times but now it's just like "shut the hell up you dumb baby" I mean she was crying about snakes today

Lily: *in tears* They don't have any arms

Kelsey: Chloe. Oh man Chloe has got to be the most rude, obnoxious, narcissistic b*tch I have ever met

Chloe: I won't argue

Kelsey: Now April. April is an angel. Like perfection, 10/10. I would die for her. Like just let me smash

Everyone: ....

Emily: Well this got gay fast

Chloe: Oh please it was always gay

Me: Okay next dare FlutterDashFan18 dared you guys to dress up as idols and sing and dance to Egao de 1 2 Jump

Glitter Force: What's that

Me: You uncultured swines. Just get dressed and get ready to enter idol hell

*5 minutes later*

Emily: Why are we wearing swimsuits

Lily: Um for fan service obviously

April: But we're all flat

Chloe: Kelsey doesn't mind

Kelsey: *staring at April*

Me: Just start

(Since I don't wanna type out the lyrics here's the video and use your imagination)


Kelsey: Man, April's singing is as sexy as she is

Chloe: Stop making this gay

Lily: No! The gayer the better!

April: I agree!

Emily: Man it's hard being friends with such gay lords. Right Chloe, my fellow heterosexual

Chloe: ....Shut up

Me: Okay last dare! April has to initiate a further relationship with Kelsey

Lily: What is your relationship

April: Well first we were friends then we dated for like half a chapter then we hated each other for a while and now we're cool again

Kelsey: I just see it as friend zoned, lucky, enemy zoned and friend zone again

Me: Well now you gotta take it further

April: You're right. Kelsey *puts arms on her shoulders*

Kelsey: Y-Yeah

April: I don't wanna be just friends anymore

Kelsey: *smiling* Yeah

April: I wanna be....BEST friends!

Everyone: Oh my fuc-

Kelsey: Sure

April: *grabs and raises Kelsey hand* She said yes!

Lily: Congratulations. I hate everyone in this room

Emily: Send in lots of dares or whatever. Jeez even I'm not this dense

Chloe: But lay off Kelsey cause even I feel bad for her

Me: Till next time

*muffled screaming in background*

[DISCONTINUED] Ask or Dare the Glitter ForceWhere stories live. Discover now