Lots of Dares

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Me: Welcome to another addition to Ask or Dare the Glitter Force

Emily: What's with that title

Lily: Yeah do we have dares

Kelsey: No it called Lots of Dares because we got 2 asks

Me: Hey sarcasm is my job

April: Can you please just start this already

Chloe: I don't know CAN she

April: Shut up

Me: Ok first dare, let's start with Kelsey

Kelsey: Alright

Me: *snaps fingers and pool appears*

Kelsey: What is this

Me: *pushes her in*

Kelsey: What the fluff

Everyone else: ?

Me: Forevermarichat16 dared Kelsey to be in a pool

Chloe: That's not really a dare through

Me: That's why I'm gonna put sharks in the pool and make her stay there for 30 minutes

Kelsey: You wouldn't dare

Me: I didn't forevermarichat16 did


  Me: *snaps finger and sharks appear*

Kelsey: N-Nice fishy

Emily: Marine this isn't such a good idea

Me: Oh it's not like she's gonna die

April: Yes she is that's the problem

Me: Whatever, next dare for Lily

Lily: *drawing Kelsey's future death*

Me: You gotta go to the shadow realm and stay on their team for 24 hours

Lily: I'll try my best *goes to shadow realm*

Me: Now let's check on Kel-

Lily: *runs in screaming*

April: It hasn't even been 10 seconds

Lily: *crying in the corner*

Me: As I was saying let's check in on Kelsey

Kelsey: *playing with the sharks*

Emily: Oh wow

Kelsey: Oh hey guys

April: How in the world

Kelsey: They're actually pretty nice

Chloe: The irony is that she's Glitter Sunny

Me: This isn't going how I thought this was gonna go

Kelsey: It's been 30 minutes can I go now

Me: Hold on give me your hand first

Kelsey: *pulls her hand out*

Me: *cuts her and makes her bleed*

Everyone: MARINE

Kelsey: What the heck

Emily: Why did you do that

April: Your lucky I don't punch you in the face

[DISCONTINUED] Ask or Dare the Glitter ForceWhere stories live. Discover now