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Me: Welcome back to ask or dare the glitter force

Emily: Are Kelsey and April still not talking to each other

April: W-Whatever not like I care *blushing*

Lily: Isn't Kelsey suppose to be the tsundere

Kelsey: I'm not a tsundere!

Me: Oh yeah, Emily @madgirl2868 dared you to act like a tsundere for 3 chapters

Emily: What's a tsundere 

Me: Chloe!

Chloe: A tsundere is a Japanese term for a character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing a warmer side over time

Emily: So just act like Kelsey

Lily: Yeah that's works

Emily: April is so hot... but I don't mean that like I'm attractive her or anything! Dummy

Kelsey: You're to late, some else already did an impression of me in another ask or dare book

Emily: Like I care...stupid!

Me: Moving on Lily has to use pick up lines on everyone in the Glitter Force at least once for 4 chapters

Lily: Seems simple enough, hey Kelsey

Kelsey: Why me

Lily: You know why you're call Glitter Sunny

Kelesy: Because Saban thought Glitter Sun sounded stupid 

Lily: Cause shhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiittttttttttt, you hot

April: *cringes*

Chloe: Are you jealous

April: *blushes* O-Of course not!

Me: Alright now Chloe has to wear pikachu outfit and go to school like that

Chloe: If I must *rips off clothes and reveals pikachu outfit*

Me: When did you

Chloe: I'm always ready


Teacher: Chloe why are you wearing a pikachu

Chloe: *burns the teacher so bad that she actually sets on fire*

Glitter Force: *walks in and sees teacher running around on fire*

April: Chloe what did you do

Chloe: She's just being over dramatic 

*police sirens infest the scene* 

Chloe: Shit it's the po po! The lesbians did it! *runs away*

Kelsey and April: L-Lesbians *blushing*

Lily: *throws homework at teacher* THE TEACHER BURNED MY HOMEWORK!

Emily: Why am friends with you idiots


Me: ....You could have killed her

Chloe: But I didn't

Kelsey: You left her there to burn

Chloe: Says Glitter Sunny

Everyone: ......

Chloe: That's right the tables have turned

Emily: What's wrong with you weirdos 

Me: Moving on Kelsey has to turn into a neko for a chapter and cuddle with April

[DISCONTINUED] Ask or Dare the Glitter ForceWhere stories live. Discover now