Things Are Gonna Get Crazier

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Me: Guys, feelings are gonna be hurt this chapter

April: Like they're not hurt every chapter

Me: April who said you can talk

April: N-No one

Me: As I was saying Original_Fredbear dared Chloe to switch her personality for a whole chapter

Emily: You're not saying

Me: Yes I'm saying

Kelsey: Chloe's gonna go full savage

Lily: NO! It's to dangerous

Me: What choice do we have! A dare's a dare

Chloe: What are you guys doing

Lily: Just being over dramatic

Chloe: But that's Kelsey's job

Kelsey: It's happening!

Chloe: what the hell

Me: Okay time to start the rest of madgirl2868 dares

Emily: Let's see who's gonna be the next yuri victim

Me: Kelsey has to dress up as April's personal cheerleader and cheer her on for everything

Kelsey: What! No way

Me: Come on just do the dare, you get to be closer to April, which is good for you because you have a cru-

Kelsey: *covers my mouth* Who the fluff told you

Me: Emily did

Kelsey: *looks at Emily

Emily: Lily told me!

Kelsey: *looks at Lily*

Lily: C-Chloe told me

Kelsey: Chloe what the hell

Chloe: Deal with it *mlg glasses fall down*

Me: Well that handles bluedogs5 dare

Kelsey: Wh-Whatever just don't tell April

April: Don't tell me what

Emily: That Kelsey likes you, wait, crap

April: What

Lily: Likes your smile!

Me: Yep now do the dare *shoves cheerleader clothes at her*

Kelsey: Fine *goes into closet*


Kelsey: *comes out of closet*

Lily: Oh you look so cute!

Emily: And hot

Everyone: .......

Emily: ...I don't like girls, I like guys! I don't like girls, I like guys! I don't like girls, I like guys!

Kelsey: I don't think I look that good

April: Don't be stupid you look very moe, now shake your pom poms

Chloe: But she's flat

Kelsey: *blushing*

Emily, Lily and April: *holding in laughter*

Me: You all are, now Emily has to slap Ulric, pie him, use her sparkle Storm on him and leave without caring

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