chapter four

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chapter four
1205 words

Your senses slowly came back to you. Your eyes opened before you could process anything, and all you saw was a white ceiling. You looked around the room, quickly beginning to panic when you realized you didn't know where you were. You tried remembering how you got to this place, but you didn't know. Both frustrated and confused, you sat up from your spot.

You were on a bed, with clean white sheets and a blanket. The pillow under you was stained in some portions with blood. You looked around the small room to see a chair, desk, and a wardrobe. All of which are empty. You then turned, but as soon as you did, a pain shot through your body.

You groaned and collapsed back down on the bed. Once your sharp breaths ceased, you looked over and saw your shoulder heavily bandaged with blood staining said bandages. Everything then dawned on you. The murder, run, and then being shot and passing out into someone's arms. That must mean someone put you here, and they're more than likely close by.

Suddenly, footsteps and whispers creeped on you from outside the room. Scared, you decided to lay back down and pretend to be asleep. Hopefully you can find their true motives.

"No, Tyler, we're not going to kill her." One said, a pitched voice.

"I'm not saying that, Craig. I'm saying that if she doesn't wake up soon...we may have to." A deeper voice replied to the other. You heard the door open and the two walk in. "See? She's still asleep."

"But look! She's breathing!" The pitched, Craig, said as you felt a hand slightly over your nose. You couldn't help but pick up on your breathing.

"She's breathing a little fast there, Craig." Tyler, the deeper voice, commented. "Get back."

Tyler commanded, and you heard the sound of staggering feet, as is Tyler protectively pulled Craig out of the way. You felt a shadow cross over your face, and it inched closer to you. You couldn't pretend anymore. You opened your (E/C) eyes that were full of fear and stone cold adrenaline.

Tyler's eyes widened, blinked, and then he pulled back his hand. His other arm was protectively over Craig, but lowered ever so slightly. Craig's brown eyes lit up and he leaned up against Tyler's back and put his hands on Tyler's shoulders, attempting to get a good look at you.

"She's okay!" Craig exclaimed with a warm smile. Tyler sighed, and let his hands dangle at his sides.

"Alright, alright. So who are you?" Tyler asked.

"I'm (Y/N)." You replied, amused.

"I'm Tyler, and this is Craig." Tyler replied. You nodded. "Why were those guys shooting you? You're just a kid."

"I...kind of killed one of their men." You replied, unsure wether or not to trust these two.

"What!? YOU killed someone? That's kind of hard to believe; no offense." Craig commented. You shrugged.

"He was coming at me, so I killed him. The others then hunted me down, but I made a break for the woods. I didn't know they could hurt me. How come some people are brainless and others intelligent?" You asked, puzzled. Tyler and Craig exchanged glances, blinking at your question.

"You do know that the walkers aren't alive, right?" Craig asked.

"Walkers?" You asked. Craig did a face palm.

"The brainless ones, are zombies, or walkers as they're called. They are...people who are dead. The intelligent ones are survivors, like all of us. You must've been locked up somewhere when the apocalypse started." Tyler explained.

"No. I was free when the apocalypse started." You told him. His eyebrows narrowed at first, then went upwards. Craig's were narrowed, puzzled.

"What? You mean you were locked up before the apocalypse?" Tyler asked. You nodded.

"Are you a felon? Were you in jail?" Craig asked. You shook your head.

"I was locked up in my parent's basement. I was abused." You told them. Their faces were full of shock and both pity. Before they could say anything else, the sound of a door opening echoed through the walls.

"That must be the guys." Craig said.

"I hope. Stay with her, I'll be back." Tyler said, getting up and walking out of the room. Craig looked back at you with sympathetic eyes.

"About the whole locked up thing, I'm sorry to hear that. Don't worry, after all that you've been through, I'm sure the guys can accept it and let you stay with us." Craig told you. You thought in silence if you should stay or not. Craig certainly seems nice, Tyler's not bad. He seems smart, and sure has muscle. But they have other people. It really depends on them.

"What? Who?" You heard as a bunch of different footsteps were clicking down the hall towards you. Craig opened the door and in came Tyler along with two other men. One man had dark skin, black short hair, and burnished brown eyes (almost beige) that deemed cold, and wore a "Finn Hat". The other had black hair and dark brown eyes, and wore a green hoodie.

"This is the girl? She looks so skinny. We need to get some meat on her bones." The green-hoodie replied.

"Nogla, this isn't a joking matter. Have you checked her for bites?" The Finn-Hat asked. Tyler nodded.

"Well no, we took her in and pathced her up without checking. Of course I checked! Craig also took the time to clean her wounds." Tyler replied.

"Okay, tell me again how you found her." Marcel asked.

"Craig and I were going to go check on Brock when we saw walkers picking at something on the ground. That something happened to be her. Craig didn't want to leave her, so we got the walkers off and brought her here." Tyler said. Marcel nodded.

"What's her name?" Nogla asked.

"(Y/N)." Craig replied. He then looked over at you. "Don't worry, they're with us."

Craig told you soothingly. Nogla came closer to you. He held his hand out for you. You stared up at him curiously.

"I'm David, but you can call me Nogla. It's nice to meet you, (Y/N)." Nogla smiled warmly. You extended your hand, not knowing what to do. Nogla then grabbed your hand and gave it a stern whip. "That's called a handshake. It's how you greet people."

"Oh." You said as he let go. You looked at your palm, not sure how to feel about his touch.

"Just a heads up, she doesn't know...about anything, really. She was locked up before the apocalypse in her parents basement." Tyler said.

"She ain't stupid though, so maybe don't treat her like a kid? She's about our age after all." Craig said.

"Yeah. Hey, it's nice to meet you, (Y/N)." Marcel said. You nodded.

"We'll give you some rest. Hopefully Evan and Delirious will be back before too much longer." Craig said. You sat back down and stared up at the wall as you heard them all leave out the door. The door was closed behind them, and you were alone. You didn't plan on falling asleep, but you did.

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