chapter fourteen

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chapter fourteen
1310 words

After you and Delirious finished your meals, you heard footsteps coming from the kitchen. Looking over, you saw Craig with two plates in his hands. He was trying to open the door, but nearly dropped his plates. You then got up and grabbed a plate from his just as it was slipping from his arms. He exhaled, groaning in relief.

"Thanks, jeez, didn't think it would be this hard." Craig said.

"Are you going to give Nogla his food?" You asked, wondering why he had two plates. Then again, the other one was probably for Brock.

"Yeah, and the other one is for Brock." Craig said. Called it.

"Well, thanks for your help, (Y/N)." Craig said taking the plate from your hand and vanishing into the barely lit room, the door closing behind him. You shrugged and went back to Delirious, and saw that more people were exiting the kitchen. Everyone except for Tyler came out of the kitchen and joined you and Delirious in the living room.

"So, how are we on weapons, Evan?" Delirious asked Evan has he walked in the room with everyone else.

"We may need some explosives." Evan said devilishly.

"Hell yeah!" Ryan cheered.

"With their numbers I think that's in order." Chilled commented. Bryce laughed at the scene, along with Ryan who chuckled.

"Looks like we just need to figure out our food arrangements. We have weapons covered and he can leave any time, it's just we may not have enough food to last us. Especially since our numbers multiplied." Evan said, glaring at no-one-in-particular.

"Well, we can scavenge some places? Surely some places have to have some sort of edible food?" Bryce suggested.

"Yeah, but that's an IF! Plus, there are still hundreds of survivors out there. Some friendly, most not." Evan replied.

"We could kill one of us? Is that basically what you're saying here, Evan?" Delirious asked.

"What? No, no, no. I never said that. Jokes aside, even if we did, that would still leave us with like eleven. Not to mention we're going to save ANOTHER person, AND, we're infiltrating a huge group of people! All our lives are on the line for this one person. Is it really worth it?" Evan asked, perhaps trying to convince everyone not to attempt to rescue Luke, or maybe even to convince himself more than anyone else. Instantly, without saying a word, Delirious rose from his stop beside you.

"Evan, this is our FRIEND we're talking about! It doesn't matter if we hardly ever saw his face behind the screen, or he took hours to reply to our text messages, or cussed us out a few times, he's our damn friend! Has been, and always will be. I don't plan on leaving a good friend behind." Delirious yelled. Bryce then stood.

"I agree with Delirious on this one."

"Yeah, same here. As annoying as he is, we've still had good times together." Marcel said standing up.

"Ah, what the hell." Anthony stood. You shrugged, not feeling like getting up.

"Alright, alright, fine you inspirational retards. We'll go be hero's and shit." Evan said, Everyone cheered.

"Right, well, guess we're leaving tomorrow?" Chilled asked with an amused expression on his face.

"Looks that way." Evan replied.

"Well, in that case, I think I'm going to get some sleep." Chilled said. "where am I sleeping, Evan?"

"In the living room, along with Ryan and Bryce since we don't have any more rooms."

"I think we should ALL get some sleep. We'll have to get up at the break of dawn and teach (Y/N), remember? So after those lessons we'll grab our stuff and head out." Marcel said.

"Are we taking everything with us? I thought we'd come back?" Anthony asked.

"Maybe we will, maybe we won't. If everything goes as planned, we'll make the trip to Luke, get him, and come back just as easily. But if something goes wrong, we may be leaving our stuff for scavengers to take." Evan replied. Anthony nodded. Then, Craig came out of Nogla's bedroom with one less plate. Craig looked at us and smiled, heading off toward Brock's room. You didn't think anything of it, until the door closed behind Craig and his scream was instantly heard afterwards. In utter shock, Delirious and you were the first go get up, but you were the first to reach his door and push it open. All you saw was a petrified Craig, and in front of him, was an unconscious Brock lying on the floor.

"Mini? What's wrong?" Delirious asked, calling him Mini. Craig didn't say a word, just ran over to Brock's side. It wasn't until then that you realized why Craig was freaking out. Brock's left forearm had cuts and bruises on it, blood rushing off his skin and to the wooden dull floor. He had his shades on, but he was slumped against the wall, seemingly not breathing. Craig began to tear up, in utter shock that Brock would do something like this to himself. Craig then became mortified upon picking up a small razor blade, red crimson blood on the blade end.

"Fucking christ..." Delirious muttered, instantly leaving the room. You walked over beside Craig and put a hand on his shoulder. He didn't bother to look over at you, only looked down and starting weeping.

"What the hell" Evan yelled, before his voice instantly became no more than a whisper upon seeing one of his friends on the ground, scars on his wrists. Next, Tyler pushed furiously into the room, knocking over Evan.

"Craig! Are you okay!? Why'd you scream!?" Before Tyler yelled any more, he stopped. He stopped moving, talking, and thinking entirely. His breathing hitched as he saw the scene before him. "Oh god, no..."

" he breathing?" You asked Craig. Craig instantly pushed his ear to Brock's chest, and melted with a sigh once we found a heart beat. He nodded, acting like he was about to have a heart attack.

"Move! Out of my way!" Delirious suddenly yelled, pushing through the rest and coming to Brock's side with a first aid kit. He opened it and cleaned Brock's scars and then patched them up with a bandage. After he was done, Brock seemingly woke up. His eyelashes dangled, as if he were concentrating on keeping his eyes closed. You noticed this, but no one else did. You decided to hide it, not wanting them to find out, for Brock's sake. Instead, you stood up and walked to the desk, grabbed the note, and handed it to Craig.

At first, Craig didn't move, only looked at it. He hesitantly reached his hand up, his fingers trembling the closer he god, until finally, he grabbed the note and read it. Afterwards everyone read it, and the room fell silent. More silent than before.

"Everyone should leave. I got this. Please, go." You tried convincing everyone. One by one, everyone left the room like mindless zombies. Evan, Anthony, Marcel, Bryce, Chilled, Ryan, until Tyler, Craig and Delirious were left. Craig didn't move a muscle, until Tyler came over and picked him up bridal style out of the room. It was now you and Delirious. Delirious didn't move, and his eye holes in his mask were almost completely black. He made no movements, sound, or any sign of emotion within him. Then he brought a hand up to his mask. 

Shocked, you stared, your mouth agape. He lifted his mask, only a little, and wiped away tears, then set the mask back on his face. You were a little disappointed, thinking you were going to see his face, finally. But no matter, you asked Delirious to help you lift Brock into bed.

"I'm fine." Brock suddenly said, startling Delirious, but not you.

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