chapter one

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chapter one
idk edited ig
1007 words
a/n: yikes i was emo look at this image

You walked down the lonely road, nothing to be heard but your shuffling in the rocks beneath you. You looked down as your feet kicked the rocks, creating a trail of dust behind you. You sniffed, and brought a hand up to wipe away the tears. You felt good about doing what you did to your parents, but now what could you do? Nowhere to go, with no one to help you. You're alone now.

Sighing, you brought yourself to the corner of the road and sat down, not caring about anything anymore. Unfortunately for you, it was freezing cold, and all you had was a long t-shirt and shorts. These were the only pieces of clothing you owned. You then halted when you heard staggering footsteps coming towards you. You looked up to see a woman. You halted, still having the knife, blood dried on the blade. You didn't want to kill an innocent woman, so you hid the blade, hoping she wouldn't see it.

But as she approached you, you noticed something was odd about her. She was staggering a lot, had her arms flailing in front of her, and she was...bloody. Gasping, you took a step back. She only continued to come towards you. She made weird noses, as if she was choking on something. You quickly fled to your feet, aiming the knife at the odd woman. She didn't stop, she only continued to stagger towards you.

Your hands were shaking rapidly as you held the knife at her. You pointed the tip towards her, and then she was right in front of you. You screamed, and her weight fell on top of you. You screamed loudly when you saw she was trying to bite your neck. You freed your hand, and held the knife right over her head, then brought it down with all your strength.

The blade pierced her head you could even see the tip of the blade in her eye and the blood splash down onto your face and torso. She became stiff and stopped moving. You caught your breathe for a second, before you heard another sound, the same sound. Looking past the corpse on top of you, you saw a group of people just like her coming towards you.

Panicking, you tried shoving her off you, but she was heavier dead than she was alive. You couldn't budge her, and thought that this was where you died. Closing your eyes tightly, you tried prying the knife out of her head, but couldn't even do that. You could heat them right over you, and you could feel them at your feet.

You closed your eyes. giving up on everything.

'What's the point in surviving? Why try to live, if it only kills you worse? Who knows, maybe I'll get a special place in Heaven, away from my parents. That'd be nice.'

You thought, calming yourself down and learning to accept your fate.


Your name was suddenly called. You opened your eyes in alarm, and saw the monsters weren't moving. Everything was still, except for yourself. How can this be?

"Get up, you good-for-nothing twat!"

You heard the oh-so-familiar voice yell. Your breathing hitched, knowing who's voice it was.

"F-father? But you're-"

"DEAD! I know! You murdered your own parents! Well, guess what? You're not dying here! Get your clumsy ass up and do something for a change!"

"SHUT UP!" You yelled, pushing the dead monster off you and clenching the handle of your knife, and yanking it out off the dead monster's head. As you did so, rotten blood and brain bits flew all over you. You looked back at the other alive ones, and saw time had started again.


"AAAAAHHHHH!" You screamed, charging at them, fury in your eyes.

"Six, seven, eight," You said to yourself, stabbing the brain over and over again. "Nine, ten, eleven..."

You stopped stabbing the dead monster, and looks around you. The small group of them that surrounded you were dead, and then you started stabbing this one over and over again.


You asked yourself, not remembering anything of what you had done after that voice in your head screamed at you. You dropped the knife, remembering the voice. Your deceased father's voice. You know that was his voice, his yell, his vocabulary, but how did he talk to you? More importantly, why would he command you to save yourself?

Your whole life, all he wanted was to make you suffer, want you dead. Your life is as broken as a shattered mirror. You have no purpose in life, other than to survive, but why? This world truly is cruel. Why would he want to keep you, of all people, alive? You murdered him, too, so why?

Now you get it. Of course, your father wouldn't let you die yet. He won't because he knows that living for you, is Heaven and Hell at the same time. In a way, death is better than living. You can sleep peacefully in the ground and never wake up, or you can continue living through pain as simply existing. He kept you alive, so you could keep suffering among this earth. He knows that living is far more painful than death.

As you were thinking about this, you hadn't of noticed the abnormally large herd of monsters come down the road in a large herd. You might as well try to stay alive, maybe, just maybe, you can do something important with your life.

After running for what felt like a lifetime, you had run out of breath and stopped on the side of the road. Panting, you look back and saw no monsters were following you luckily. After regaining your breath, you saw the dirt road was endless. Sighing heavily, you had no choice but to go forward down the empty abyss.

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