chapter thirty-eight

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chapter thirty-eight
1835 words

Walking into the kitchen where everyone waited, you saw a giant, brown, wooden, polished, table. It had more chairs than you bothered to count. The delicious aroma of cooked fresh food filled your nostrils, making your mouth water.

Everyone was already seated, leaving two empty spaces where they wanted you two to sit. Ironic enough, the empty seats were right beside one another. On one side was Evan, so you knew Evan wanted to also sit beside the mask-wearing man. On the other side of the other empty chair, sat Tyler. You had a liking to Tyler, mainly because he's very loyal, so you had no problem sitting with him.

As you and Jonathan make your ways down to the seats, you pull out your chair and sit down, Jonathan doing the same like a normal person would. As you sat down, you saw Craig get up, who sat on the other side of Tyler. He went behind the island table that separated the kitchen from the dining room. You also noticed three lonely stools at each space, the red leather of the cushion looked shiny and comfortable.

Craig had come back with four plates stacked on his arms, and went around to the first side of the table and carefully placed the plates full of food down. The aroma was stronger than ever, and eventually, Craig placed your plate down before you. You muttered to him a quick thank you, to which he nodded with a smile in response. It was a hamburger, which included some homemade macaroni and cheese.

You saw Krism also hand out ketchup and mustard. You took the one you desired and put it on your hamburger and then took a bite. Craig or Krism, whoever made it, was a really good chef. You picked up your fork and also ate the mac and cheese. Krism then handed you a glass of milk, which you assumed came from the cow.

You thanked her as well, she smiled and nodded.

As you came to finish off your meal, you stood up, only for Jonathan to put his arm in front of you. You looked over at him with an eyebrow cocked. He shook his head.

"Give me your plate," he said. You did as he wanted. "I'll pick everyone's up."

"In that case," Tyler said, handing him his plate, and eventually everyone from their row was handing plates to him and he gave it to either you or Jonathan. In the end, Jonathan couldn't carry them anymore so you did.

Evan and the others at the front of the table had already put their plates in the sink and headed off to the living room. Some people on the end did the same, not having to put away their plates anymore. Craig and Krism helped with some plates but mainly got the utensils and cups.

You and Jonathan went to the beige counter that had two silver sinks in them. Setting the plates in carelessly yet carefully, you tried turning the knob, only no water came out. You had forgotten it was the apocalypse because of the nice house and food. Your environment in general. You wouldn't even be able to tell the entire world was in shambles unless you saw the dead rising before your very eyes.

Krism walked over, noticing this.

"If you're looking for water to clean dishes with, there's a river beyond the mountains that Minx usually goes to. I know it's extremely dangerous since you have to climb the mountain and get back and climb back it with heavy buckets of water, but it is needed. Maybe tomorrow I'll send a group out to do that. As for now, don't worry about the dishes. Thank you, though." Krism told you and Jonathan. You nodded, Jonathan nodded along with you. Craig had put the last few cups, forks and spoons down before looking at the three of you.

"Was it good?" He asked, referring to the food.

"Amazing!" You exclaimed, causing him to smile ear to ear.

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