chapter twenty-six

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chapter twenty-six
1094 words

Delirious then came over to your side and draped an arm over you.

"Smitty, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), meet Smitty, another friend of ours from online." Delirious introduced you to the man. He smiled at you and walked in front of you and extended his hand into a fist.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." He smiled. You returned the favor with a smile back and gave him a fist bump. "How'd you meet the crew?"

"Oh, they saved my life. Ever since I've been with them." You replied. He nodded.

"Smitty is that who I think it is?" Another voice called. Looking back at the house, a man with long white hair and round glasses came by. He was wearing a black hoodie that said 'Subscribe To Kryoz Gaming'.

"Oh my god, John. You're even advertising your merchandise in the apocalypse." Craig laughed.

"What? I still need subscribers." The man, John, laughed back.

"What were you guys doing to the cabin?" You asked finally.

"Well, we were initially going to rob it, but whenever we saw the VanossGaming merch we knew this was either a fan or you guys. Either way, we thought they would want to be friends." Smitty replied.

"Did you touch my golden Vanoss hoodie?" Evan asked with a death glare. Smitty raised his hands in defense.

"No, I didn't," John responded. "but he did."

Suddenly from the door, out came a man with slick brownish-orange hair that was swept to the right side. He had emerald green eyes, nice cheekbones, and an orangish colored beard that hasn't been shaved in a while. He was wearing a black hoodie with a gold owl logo on it, black jeans with a red stripe going down the leg, and black sneakers.

Once he saw all of us staring at him, he halted with wide eyes. Evan smirked and crossed his arms. His open mouth went from one of shock and awkwardness to a large open smile. He was still shocked though, and he looked like The Scream almost.

"I focking can't believe it! It'! Oh my God!" The man shouted while jumping up and down.

"It's great to see you too, Brian, but keep it down. Some Walkers may have followed us home." Tyler spat with a grin. The man, Brian, came running over and enveloping literally everyone in a hug. He hugged Delirious and, to your surprise, you as well. Delirious chuckled his famous laugh and hit the man on the back a few times. You blinked, grinned, and hugged back.

"Uh, so, see you like (Y/N)." Delirious snickered. The man lets go and got a look at you.

"Sorry, I'm just happy!" He squealed and moved on to the next person, Brock. Brock looked down with the biggest grin. Brian smiled even wider, if possible, and sprung at the man with his arms open wide. Brock snickered and put his arms around Brian's back, burying his face in the man's neck. Everyone made comments like 'aww' or 'get a room'.

"Aw, shut up! I haven't seen this cutie in over a month." Brian exclaimed back, making Brock blush slightly. Breaking you from the scene before you, footsteps rushed closer and closer. Looking over in alarm you saw a smaller man jump onto David.

"Lui!?" David gasped. Lui held his arms around David's neck in a hug. David, slouching over from his weight, hugged back and twirled a little. Lui jumped down and hugged everyone. He also hugged you.

"It would've been rude if I didn't introduce myself to you, (Y/N)." He said with a smile after hugging everyone.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Lui." You laughed.

"Alright, let's get inside. It's getting hotter by the second." Marcel whined. Everyone chuckled and went inside the house. Everyone sat around in the living room on the couches, and some people went to their bedrooms to sleep.

"Did you take anything of ours, like food?" Craig asked.

"No, we just arrived a few hours ago anyway," Smitty replied.

"No Walkers?" Ryan asked warily.

"Not that I've seen," Smitty replied.

"Well, we don't exactly have any more open rooms anymore," Tyler said, eyes lidded and sounding like a threat.

"Obviously, we're just going to double everyone. We all already know who will be with who already, don't we?" Craig laughed.

"So, Craig and me, Ryan and Bryce, Delirious and (Y/N), David and Lui, Smitty, Evan, and John, Brock, and Brian, Chilled and Adam, then Anthony, Marcel, and Luke. That's all the rooms, eight." Tyler announced. Everyone nodded, noting which room was theirs and moving all their things into that room.

You blushed, knowing Delirious and you would even get closer by the nights. Lately, everyone's been teasing both of you about one another, which meant you knew this was coming. Though you had to admit, you liked the sound of staying in the same room with Delirious for the night.

"Alright, well, first things first. We brought back a lot of stuff and should rearrange all the shit you fuckers moved around." Marcel called.

"Which reminds me, Brock. I found Relenza when I was going through the cabinets last minute." You said, opening the duffel bag around your hips and pulling out the medicine bottle. His face lit up with joy, as well as Nogla's.

"Holy shit! (Y/N), you' do I thank you? I never would've noticed it!" Brock exclaimed, running over and examining the bottle. You smiled widely.

"Why should you? We're all a team after all." You told him. He took off his glasses and wiped his eyes before giving you the warmest smile he could muster up. He took Nogla to his bedroom with the bottle, Lui followed after them as well.

"Oh, (Y/N), I got some stuff for you, too." Ryan's voice was heard over everyone else's. You turned your eye his way to see he had a bag that was packed full of something. He opened it to reveal different pieces of clothing. "I don't which fit and which won't, or what you like anyway, but I found them in a tent and thought you could use them. After all, you did want new clothes."

"Thanks, Ryan! I really mean it, I would love to get out of these old rags." You said as you took the bag from him and examined each item inside. After picking out the desired clothing you found, you put them on and thanked Ryan once more.

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