15 : No Touching

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When they first got together, Nico had a thing about PDA.

If it was just he and Will in a cabin, on the beach, or sitting under a tree, Nico would lean up against the older boy, thread his fingers through Will's, or tilt his head up and kiss the blonde on the jaw since Nico was too short to reach any further up.

But, if anyone were to walk by, the Ghost King would sit straight upright and put at least three feet of distance between him and Will. If Will ever tried to hug, kiss, or hold hands with him, Nico would pull away and walk in the opposite direction.

This hurt Will more than he would admit. All he wanted to do was show his affection and make sure that no one would take his death baby away from him, but it seemed that Nico didn't even want to be around him at times.

One day, Will finally got the courage to talk to Nico about it. He had this whole speech ready, but just as he was about to knock on the door to the Hades cabin, he heard muffled crying coming from inside. He slowly opened the door and spotted a miserable Nico di Angelo sitting on his bed, his face tear stained.

Will rushed over and kneeled down in front of the small boy and asked him what was wrong. Nico, of course, denied that he was distressed, but when Will sat down beside him, the brown eyed boy crawled into the other's lap.

"I'm sorry," Nico mumbled, his face buried in Will's shirt.

"For what?" Will asked, totally confused.

"For running away from you any time you get close," Nico replied, and Will stared down at the top of the other boy's head. "It's just that it's ingrained into me that no one ever wants to see stuff like two guys holding hands."

"It must have sucked living in the 1940s, huh?" Will asked hesitantly, as he was unsure if it was a touchy subject or not.

"Yeah," Nico looked up at Will. "I'll try to be more open to it, but it might take some time."

Will laced his fingers with Nico's. "If you're around, I've got all the time in the world."


That ending was soooooo cheesy, but I like cheese. Also, it was adorable, so I'm keeping it. Another also, I should probably go to sleep since I have two soccer games tomorrow and it's almost 11:30 at night. Oh, well. Less sleep for me! Hooray! (Can you feel the sarcasm?)

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