12 : 'Sup?

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Jason was wandering around Camp Half-Blood looking for Nico. He and Percy were organizing a camp-wide snowball fight, and Jason knew that Nico would rather stay where it was warm, so he was going to warn the small death baby.

He was about to give up when he spotted Kayla, and an idea popped into his head. "Kayla!" he yelled, running over to her.

"Hm?" Kayla looked a bit confused.

"Do you know where Will is?" Jason asked hurriedly.

"He was walking around down on the beach when I saw him last. Why do you ask?"

"I'm trying to find Nico and Will might know where he is."

"Ah. Good luck!" Kayla chirped as she scampered away. "See you at the snowball fight!"

Jason ran down to the beach and spotted a mop of blond hair at the other end. "Hey, Will!" he yelled as he sprinted toward the freckled boy. Jason noticed that Will seemed a bit bulkier than usual, but decided that it might just be the oversized sweatshirt he was wearing.

"What's up?" Will asked confusedly.

"Have you seen Nico? I've been looking for him everywh- why is your sweatshirt unzipping itself?"

Will looked down, and, sure enough, his sweatshirt was indeed unzipping itself. As the blondes watched, a head popped out of the hole and looked up at them.

Nico cleared his throat and spoke.



This was so adorably stupid. Hope you liked it!

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