15 seconds of courage

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Anastasia's POV

A reflection stares back but I cannot recognize it. A brunette brushing her brown/blonde hair as her green eyes stand out against her white dress and red lips; The black smoky eye making the pureness look damaged. Yet that was the only thing I recognized. The pure eyes damaged by the dark. That reflection was me in the mirror

"Ana...Izzy wanted yo-or not.", I heard and my head turned my straight hair falling to my back as I did so. 

"Yes Jace?", I said standing up as I slipped on my white heels making me tower over Jace now as I leaned on his shoulder balancing

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"Yes Jace?", I said standing up as I slipped on my white heels making me tower over Jace now as I leaned on his shoulder balancing. 

"Um, Izzy wanted to see what you are wearing, but I have a feeling she would approve. Can you check on Alec? He never knows what to wear to these things."

"Why not", I said grabbing my weapons in my hand before I walked out of the door with Jace following. 

"Meet in the weapon room?", "Yep", I replied before walking into Alec's room without knocking. 

"Do you only own black?", I said after I closed his door to see him slipping on a black long sleeve. 

He turned around looking at me and his jaw dropped. I rolled my eyes smirking walking towards him.

"You know they say, a man's outfit tells a lot about themselves", I stated as my hands were at the bottom of his shirt, "and this says I don't know what a party is. I'm a serious grumpy old man with no fun bone in my bod-","I can be fun", he said quickly looking me in the eyes before his eyes darted anywhere but me awkwardly. 

I giggled and tugged at his shirt before I walked around my hand trailing across his mid section before dropping by my side as I walked into his closet. 

"Well let's say if any of this says, "I've at least stepped into a club.", as I looked at all his shirts. 

I heard a sigh and I looked out of the corner of my eye to see him leaning on the closet door shirtless annoyed. 

"It may be a mission, Alexander...but it does not mean you have to be so serious. The hunt is more fun when you let a little loose.", I said smiling as I found a navy button up and walked up to him with a smirk,"Casual yet sexy.", and he took it slipping it on. 

"Where did you even get that dress", he addressed as he fumbled with his buttons making me swat his hand away and I finished up buttoning it before laying my hands on his chest. 

"You seem to forget, I have magic", I said before snapping my fingers making a cloud of ambers spark in my hands. 

"It's so different", he said mesmerized by the cloud. 

"Its corrupted. As long as it isn't black, I'm happy.", I said going to walk out of the room, yet I was stopped by a hand on my elbow pulling me back. 

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