Welcome back Ana

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Clary's POV

Where is she? I looked around the room trying to find Ana. I shouldn't of let her go off. Looking down at my phone one more time, I glanced around the room, and my eyes got stuck to one thing, my parents. It was weird to see my mom again, but to see her with Valentine was even weirder.

"May I", I heard from behind me and I turned to see Jace offering his hand to dance with me. 

"Jace. Hi. Um...", I dragged off looking around the room again.

"Clary, what's going on with you?", he stated his worry

"Nothing", I looked back at him.

Out of nowhere, Valentine came over, "So...This must be the Jace I've heard so much about." 

"Uh, yes, sir. Yeah.", Jace spits out nervously. 

"Sir is for my father. Call me...Mr. Morgenstern.", Valentine shook Jace's hand. It is too weird to see him as a father figure.

"Okay. Um...", Jace cleared his throat not sure what to say. 

"Uh, Dad, this is, um, our song.", I tried to get him to leave. 

"Oh, right. Nice to meet you.", Valentine stated with a smile only for Jace to stumble over his words, "It was a pleasure to nice...Uh, nice to meet you as well." 

We all laughed at his stammering before he bowed and walked away. 

I went to go find Ana or Magnus when Jace pulled me back to him,"Uh, Clary...What...What's going on with you?"

I looked at him confused,"You..You ran away from me this morning." 

I sighed not sure what to say. Like, yeah I'm from another dimension and being around you sucks me right into yours. That would be an Ana thing to say not me. 

"And you...you didn't respond to my texts all day, and now you won't even dance with me?", he finished off. 

"I'm sorry, okay? I really am.", I said,"I just...I've got a lot on my mind."

"Just one dance", he begged. 

I sighed, "Fine. Okay.", I set my purse down. 

"One", he confirmed, "You got somewhere else to be?, he joked and I sighed as I started to slow dance with him still trying to look for any of the two I need.

I gave up looking and laid my head on his shoulder and slow dance with him. It was perfect, I could feel myself melting into this moment.  If Ana got stuck, why can't I?

Third POV

As Clary started to fade away into this dimension, her phone nearby chimed. 

Magnus had texted her back, "I'm here with Ana. Where are you?"

Alec's POV

"Hodge, you ready", I called out as Lydia followed me to the Infirmary. I started to roll up my sleeve. 

"Alec, don't do this out of anger. Jace is still your parabati", Lydia argued. Yeah, one who keeps breaking not only the rules but the law for a girl. Who also took Ana, and there is no way I could track her. 

"Lydia's right", Hodge stated. 

"I'm not letting Jace sacrifice my sister for his girlfriend's pointless crusade.", I argued my point of view, "We're doing this. And if you don't want to help, get out."

"Are you sure this is about Jace...or Ana?", Lydia pushed and I just looked at her before ignoring what she was saying

"I'll help..but on one condition.", Hodge gave in. 

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