Requests are Open!!

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Hiya, lovelies!! I am officially reopening requests!!!!! Guidelines are posted below!! Please pay extra attention to the guidelines in bold!

Before sending in a request, please make sure to read all the guidelines. I do not want to have to delete a request.

*Please send requests via private messaging or by posting to my profile! If you request in the comments, I will not write your request since chances are, I will lose track of it!

*I write reader inserts (x reader), no OC unless it's one of my original ideas.

*I try not to put specific physical details about the reader in one-shots so it applies to everyone. The exception would be if the reader is part of a certain family/house (e.g. House Stark)

*I do not write smut. I'm just not comfortable writing it. I will also NOT write about abortions, miscarriages or anything that glorifies drug use.

*Concerning mainly GoT requests, I am not comfortable writing incest. Meaning I will not write the reader in an incestuous relationship.

*I try to write gender neutral stories, but feel free to request a specific gender.

*I will write AUs and song-fics

*Please do NOT send me a request that you've sent to another writer unless they rejected your request. I do not want to take away from another writer.

*Please be prepared to wait for your request to be filled. I am a college student so I balance writing with schoolwork.

*I will let everyone know when I add a new fandom.

*Above all, please be polite.

Fandoms I write for on Wattpad:

Game of Thrones

Avengers (obviously)


Ouran High School Host Club


Thanks to all of you and I look forward to your ideas.

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