But You Are Beautiful (Bucky Barnes x reader)

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Hearing the others brag about each other all the time wasn't exactly what you signed up for. You were the newest recruit of the Avengers and hadn't quite gotten to know anyone yet. Even Bucky was in better with the team than you were. After the whole "civil war" between Tony and Steve, then the fight with Thanos, Bucky had redeemed himself in their eyes and quickly became part of the group. You hadn't yet.

"And you looked so beautiful doing it too, Natasha," Wanda commented and you fought back a sigh. The conversations around you were centered around the rest of the team. About how beautiful they were or how talented. Other than a "good job" from Steve, you really didn't get much recognition. Not that you blamed them. You didn't think you were beautiful or talented, but a bit of gratitude for your contribution would have been nice. But you knew you hadn't earned it yet.

So, you let the conversations go on, each word cutting you deeper and deeper until you could hardly hold back your tears. You quietly excused yourself and left the room before your tears could start to fall. You refused to cry in front of them because of this. It made you feel childish and stupid. You didn't know that Bucky had been watching your face the entire time and saw you leave.

Bucky had been quietly observing you since you joined the team. He had a hard time trusting anyone so it had started out as a wary investigation. Then, as Bucky got to know the kind of person you were, he realized you weren't going to hurt any of them and you were able to fight just as well as any of them. But you didn't get the recognition you deserved and Bucky could see it was wearing you down.

Bucky rose from his seat and headed toward the door. "Hey, Buck, where you going?" Bucky gave Steve a soft smile. "I'm going to check on Y/N. They seemed a bit down." He didn't wait for a response as he left the room. He didn't know what he would say, but he wanted to make sure you were alright or make you feel better if you weren't.

It didn't take the super soldier long to find you. His keen hearing picked up the sound of sobbing fairly quickly after he left the others. He followed the sound until he found you with your head resting against a window, your tears streaming down your face. "You okay, Y/N?"

You jumped at the intrusion before looking over at him. "I'm fine," you mumbled, drying your tears. Bucky arched a brow because you clearly weren't fine. "Why don't you go back in with the others. They're better company." Bucky frowned deeply. "Why do you think that?" You gave him a pointed look, but he was still waiting for an answer.

"I'm not beautiful like the rest of them. Or talented. Or funny. I'm not even that good at my job, so why bother spending time with me." It wasn't a question, but Bucky answered it anyway. He took a step closer to you, and gently turned you so you were facing him. "But, Y/N, you are beautiful. To me."

"Thanks for trying, Bucky, but you don't have to lie to me." Bucky rolled his eyesand replied, "I'm not lying, Y/N. You really are beautiful. You're beautiful to look at, but you're also smart and you make me laugh. And you are talented! There have even been times in the field where you put me to shame." He gave you one of his dashing smiles and you tried not to return it. You couldn't fight it though. Bucky's smiles were infectious. You let your lips upturn into a grin. "Thanks, Bucky." Bucky nodded and leaned in to kiss your cheek. "Anytime, Y/N. What do you say we go get some ice cream?" You readily agreed, eager to spend time with the man who made you feel beautiful, both inside and out.    

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