Swan Princess - pt. 2 (Loki x fem!reader) Movie-Based AU

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Loki frowned as the spell finally dissipated. Loki had known Asgard was large, but he hadn't realize how large it was until he spent weeks following the tracking spell. If you were still on Asgard, why hadn't he found you yet? But the spell didn't lie. Loki knew that. He drew your necklace close to his chest and let his eyes scan the area. He didn't see you. Only a lake with a lone swan floating on the surface.

The sun began to set on the lake as Loki sank down on a fallen tree. He was still kicking himself. This was all his fault. He'd insulted you, causing you to run away and be taken. "What have I done, my love? What if I never find you?" Loki sat there with his head in his hands, the sun still descending below the horizon.

After crying his fill, Loki finally looked up. The moon was rising in the sky and reflecting off the lake. It was really a beautiful sight that Loki would have appreciated more if not for his current predicament. He let out a sigh and stood. You had to be around here somewhere. Just as he was about to turn away from the lake, a bright light came out of nowhere. Loki had to shield his eyes.

When the light was gone, so was the swan and in its place, there was you. "Loki," you whispered with tears in your eyes. "Y/N?" You laughed and waded out of the lake. Loki couldn't help but smile as you neared. "Darling!" he cried, scooping you into his arms and holding you close. "You found me," you said softly. Loki fought back his own tears and he held you. He didn't want to let you go in case you disappeared again. "What happened to you?"

You pulled away slightly to look in his eyes. Your bottom lip trembled as you explained. A sorcerer from your home realm had been trying to get you to marry him for years. You and your father had refused each time and now that you were of age and you marriage to Loki was quickly approaching, the sorcerer was growing desperate. He wanted control of your realm. He had hatched a plan to kidnap you and place you under a spell until you agreed to marry him.

Loki was furious. "We need to leave. Now." You shook your head and pulled further away. "I can't. Not until you figure out how to break the spell! When the sun comes up, I turn back in to a swan and if I'm not on the lake when it sets, I stay a swan." A noise sounded, putting you on guard. "Loki, go. He's coming. If he finds you here, he'll kill you." Loki tightened his grip on you. "I'll not leave you here." You gave him a sad smile. "I'll be alright. Go home and figure out how to break this spell. Then come back to me."

He knew it was pointless to fight with you. Not when you were in danger the way you were. "Alright. I'll go, but I promise I will return." You nodded and hugged him again. Loki sighed. His determination grew as you held him to you. "Please hurry." He pressed a kiss to your hair. "I will break this spell, Y/N. I swear it. And then, I shall spend every moment for the rest of our lives telling you how much I adore you."

Another noise had you pulling away again. "I know you'll figure this out, Loki. But you have to go!" Loki nodded and reluctantly turned to leave you. Before he disappeared, he looked back at you. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again. You smiled knowingly and whispered, "I know," as if you could read his mind. And you probably could. Loki felt the weight of his guilt being lifted off his shoulders at that. You understood how badly he felt and he knew that you realized how he hadn't meant the things he'd said before your capture.

Loki left as quickly as he could, eager to return to the palace to try and figure a way out of your predicament. He was beside himself for days as he worked. No one dared to bother him, not even Thor. Everyone could see just how determined the prince was to get you back safely.

Loki's only companions were the books he kept reading over and over again in earnest. Nothing was helping him. Loki was at a loss. He needed to see you again, but he refused to return to that lake until he found a way to help you. As it turned out, he wouldn't need to go back there.

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