Chapter 9

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“Such a bitch”I mumbled as I hauled my bag up and sighed, getting bitch-slapped by Eva again.

I tried to control my feelings as I looked around the club.



The third time, seriously what's wrong with me?

One time I look at that face and I’m gone?

Argh! Man up Vic!

You need to stick to the plan for tonight!

I took a deep breath as I ordered another shot for myself all the while careful not to look behind.

Epogee was the worst idea ever!

I should’ve guessed.

A new happening celebrity club!

Where anybody, who’s anybody would be invited.

Johnny Storm is that anybody.

Johnny Storm would be invited.

He would show up.

I’ll be dead.

Or to be more accurate this is what I should have thought.

But I didn’t

Why you ask?

Because I’m stupid!


“Vicky!”Shanes stoned voice came from behind me.

I forced a smile on my face as I turned around to greet him,”Shaney !”

“Where have you been and where’s your bitch in black?” he asked, his eyes darting around in search of Nina.

Shane Matthews the hottest guy on campus.

In love with my best friend.

Who’s in love with the loser of the campus.

Seriously, the world as we know it is going down, increasingly fast.

“She’s in Connecticut” I told him, sighing.

I needed Nina ,I needed advise , I needed to change my existence  fucking!

Wait a minute.

Nina couldn’t come back.

But I could go.

Scratch that.

I will go.

Well this beats going back to Baxter.

“Shane?”I asked a bright smile on my face.

“Yea?”He slurred.

“Wanna see Nina?”

And with that, i walked out with Shane lifting my head up high, right past Johnny Storm.

A.N: Super short I know!

Just neededto get something up! Been M.IA for too long!

Hope you like it!

Just a filler for whats gonna haen next :D


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