Chapter 21

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 “4 days” I said as I stroke off another day on the small calendar near my new bed.

Nina snorted. It was strange. 

All of this.

It’s just been 4 days but she seems smitten.

 Although that has a lot to do with how Vic has built this place, like the castle we used to live in back in Latveria. My room is built just as it used to be back then, sparkling, epic and beautiful. It’s just a small fact that I’ve not been able to enjoy my stay here because I was kidnapped by my brother, forced to stay here and my brother is a criminal.

“Where are you off to?”I asked as I saw her rimming her eyes with kohl.

“Nice dress” I complimented and then realised it’s the dress I made.

She snorted again “It’s yours”

“Of course I know!”I cried, “Do you see yourself in that!?”

The dress in question was a tiny black number, that came down to just a few inches below her butt, though it was collared, the collars flew down to become ruffles which amplified her cleavage just perfectly. In other words, a sure way to get laid.

I’m a genius aren’t I?

“Where are you going Neens?”I asked, realising with a start that she didn’t want to tell me.

“Out” She simply said.

“Um...I’m sorry to bring it to your notice but you’re kidnapped?”



“I have a date” She shrugged, putting on red lipstick.

“With?”I asked, “And what makes you think that Vic is gonna let you out?”

“That won’t be a problem” She said, checking herself out.

“This place is a fortress, how will you get out?”

“I won’t”


“I have a date with Victor, Ria!” she cried out.

“WHAT?”I exclaimed.

“I have a date with Victor” She said, emphasizing each word like she was talking to a 5 year old.

“WHAT?” That was the only word in my vocabulary apparently.

Nina sighed, “I’m leaving, don’t wait up, and by the time I get back, improve your vocabulary please”

What in the world just happened?

Did Nina readily go out on a date with Victor?

My brother, Victor?

Victor von Doom?

A.N: Every story needs a filler-'I have no idea what is going on' chapters right?


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