-Part 1-

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   Your name is (Y/N) (L/N) as I'm sure you know and this week is college finals week. You moved to a new town when you were six with your parents and live next door to your childhood  friend Jane Crocker. But when you left for college, you had to say goodbye to her. She went off to a college to help her learn more about baking. She hopes to become a famous dessert maker in the future and you're proud of her for finally chasing her dreams. 

  And college for you so far is... Challenging to say the least.  You are living off of ramen and apple juice with your roommate Roxy Lalonde. She's used to be a pretty huge party animal at the very beginning of the year and spent hours and hours partying and drinking, but as time goes on she's getting better at learning to say no to party invites and alcohol. Most days the two of you just spend hours inside on your phones fighting over the blanket on the sofa. 

  Today was not one of those days unfortunately. Roxy has been trying to pretend she's too busy to party, but when she got an invite from Jake and Dirk (your next door neighbours) she couldn't say no. They know the two of you spend hours inside doing nothing. Since it was a free period for everyone (the professors were all heading out for lunch) they were trying to fit a party in before class started again. You know it's a bad idea, if everyone drinks too much they'll turn up to their next class acting like idiots and nothing will get done, but oh well it's their decision. 

 You can't control them, but you sure wish you could control the volume of their music. House music was blaring through the wall and you needed an escape so you could study. So that brings you here. Scurrying through campus with your laptop and books.  You had tried doing something with your hair so it wasn't a complete mess, stuffing it neatly under a black beanie. Before you left you chucked on some ripped dark blue skinny jeans, a (F/C) shirt and black converse. You didn't really bother with makeup since you were just studying though the bags under your eyes were heavy and dark from missing out on precious sleep. 

   You pushed the heavy front doors of the library open with your left foot, sighing as you entered and made your way to one of the free large oak tables. There was a decent amount of people in the library, and surprisingly there were quite a few familiar Alternian faces too. The library was also relatively quiet and boy was that a relief. 

  You placed your books down on the smooth surface of the table, pulling out the crappy white plastic chair and taking a seat. You knew if you managed your time well, you could get a great amount of studying in so you didn't have to do it all later. Opening your computer, you searched a couple of different topics you knew were going to be in the tests. Let the studying begin!

----------------------------------------- Lazy author is lazy.. Ahem.. Time skip-----------------------------------

  It had been about three hours now since you had began studying and you had now decided to take a break and look for a good book. You usually liked to read (F/G) books, so you made your way to that area. In the spirit of Valentines day which had recently passed, you scrolled into the romance section of the library. There wasn't really anything that caught your eye but you couldn't help but admire the art on the cover of a book called 'Until Death do us Part.' You decided it probably wasn't best to read however after you found out everyone dies in the end, that wasn't exactly what you were looking for when you walked down here.

  You walked past book after book before giving up on finding the perfect one and reading the ratings that were written in a bright coloured writing to attract attention.

' An enchanting love story 10/10.' 

  "Eh... Whatever," you laughed to yourself. The blurb was far too long to bother reading, you'll read it later. With that you walked out of the romance section and began to make your way back to your table. 

What are the Chances? Kankri x Reader ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now