-Part 3-

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  Your 'classes' on Alternian culture and words had been a huge success and Kankri had been visiting your dorm every single weekend since then to help out. Roxy was getting suspicious, she wasn't used to you bringing boys or girls or really anyone to the dorm and yet here you were, bringing Kankri there every weekend to help you educate yourself so you know everything there is to know about Alternia. 

  As time goes by, you can't help but notice the butterflies in your stomach, the way your cheeks heat up whenever Kankri does something cute like bite the end of his pen and furrow his eyebrows in thought, his eyes like almonds as he thins them and tries to find ways to explain his thoughts. 

 "I think quadrants are a t9pic f9r an9ther time, y9u must 6e getting tired," Kankri glanced over at you. You were forced to come back to reality when you noticed he found out you were staring at him. 

 "Oh uh yeah, we should take a break. Have you ever seen a human horror movie before?"

 Kankri raised an eyebrow. Alternian's had horror movies of course but nothing could really scare them since their actual life was so messed up. Horror movies were more like reality TV shows. 

 "Never a human 9ne 6ef9re, 6ut there are a few p9tential triggers and I must ask h9w--"

  "Hey you guys!" Roxy slid into the kitchen and pushed herself up onto one of the benches. She was definitely up to something, you could tell by the tone of her voice. She was swinging her legs back and forth and listening intently though the conversation you were previously having was interrupted by her and now all she could listen to was the sound of the silence she had created. 

 "Uh, Roxy, we were just about to take a break and watch a horror movie, got any good ones we can watch?"

 "Yeah! We've got Netflix remember."

 Kankri sighed and shrugged when you looked over at him for approval. The sofa was practically calling for you as you slumped over and made yourself comfortable, Kankri sitting beside you while Roxy was across on another sofa. 

 It was night now, around seven pm and Kankri was contemplating going home, the movie had caught his attention however and he found it difficult to get up. Plus, the fact that each jump scare had you squeaking and jumping out of your seat amused him. 

 He was really getting tired however. For some odd reason he didn't even need sopor slime to make him drowsy and before he knew it everything went black.  

-----------------Time skip brought to you by that feeling when you remember where you put something that's been missing for a while.-------------------

  Birds were chirping outside, flying from tree to tree and rattling branches. Roxy had left both you and Kankri snoozing on the sofa last night after she got sick of the movie you were watching. She didn't wake either of you, leaving you there to see what would happen. Both of you were still sound asleep now, however your peaceful slumber was interrupted by a familiar clicking sound. 

 "ROXY! DELETE THAT!" You whisper yelled at the blondish pink haired girl who ran out of the room as soon as she noticed you had caught her. You'd peeled your eyes open faster than you thought possible only to find out you'd been betrayed by your roommate who was snapping pictures of you asleep on the sofa. You would've chased after her, but something was holding you down to the sofa. Something warm. 

  Kankri was sleeping soundly beside you. His hair was messy and slightly covered his face, it reminded you of scattered hay.  His eyes were closed and he had relaxed into the sofa and into your side. You smiled to yourself before looking over at his arms, noticing his right arm wasn't limp on the sofa like his left and upon further inspection, you noticed it was wrapped around you, in a position like he was trying to protect you from something in his sleep. Not only that but you noticed that in your sleep you must have cuddled up to him too, as your head had snapped up from his shoulder when you woke up. 

What are the Chances? Kankri x Reader ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now