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I was having a little fun with Skylar and Johnny, I put on a fake mustache and acted like Groucho Marx which made both of the kids go crazy it even made Rachel laugh when I acted a little perverted toward her and raised my eyebrows up and down and twitched the cigar up and down very fast. Sully got onto me for flirting with his girlfriend, I just looked at him and told him what he was going to do about it for out of all of us guys Criss was the most determined, I was the biggest brute and never backed down from a fight, Sully was like a little bantam rooster but he knew that I could totally kick his ass.

Karalea pulled up in the parking lot behind my challenger, as soon as she saw Johnny and Skylar playing tag in the yard she rolled her eyes and grumbled to herself, I came up behind her and told her to please be nice that she hung up on me before I had the chance to tell her about Criss and company coming down to visit for his vacation. I kissed her neck and asked her to please get along with everyone while they were there she gave a huff and handed me her bags and said she'd try but if Criss started his shit with her she was so going to go off on his ass and when he did start with her that Sully just better keep his little ass out of it. I kissed her again and reminded her that there was two little toddlers staying with me and Sully's girlfriend Rachel got off of work this time to visit as well.

Karalea never got to meet Rachel yet so she was a little bit excited about having another female around the house to talk too. Rachel was a pediatrician at a child's hospital and Karalea was a professional dancing instructor she taught people how to dance all types of dance steps mainly latin style dances but she also taught belly dancing on the weekends beens she was her own boss, she could vacation anytime she wanted too thats how I met her. I was dating a chick that was in one of her classes and as soon as I saw her in her belly dancing outfit I was entranced...three weeks later my girlfriend dumped me to go back to her old flame and I headed over to ask her dancing instructor for a date, we've been together ever since.

Criss rolled his eyes right when he saw her but he kept his mouth shut for Johnny was now sitting in his lap playing patty cake with him. Skylar was sitting on Sully's lap in a half-sleep daze until I walked up on the patio behind Karalea, she ran up to me and jumped in my arms so naturally I lifted her up and gave her a kiss as I was holding her right next to me. I asked Rachel to grab my guitar so we could all go inside together and get some food. Criss immediately offered to cook he really loved cooking, his dad and mom taught him very well, I for one loathed cooking except for breakfast I loved cooking breakfast in my underwear don't ask me why.

Everyone complimented me on my gorgeous new home. Johnny came running up to me and asked me why Stutts wouldn't come inside then asked if he was bad and I wouldn't allow him inside anymore. I kissed him and smiled and said that Stutter was acting weird lately and just didn't want to come in. Criss brought the food to the table I sat Johnny and Skylar in their chairs and told everyone to come in and sit if they were going to eat. I came out of the kitchen holding a can of grape soda, and split it with the two kids then sat down beside Karalea, we all enjoyed a marvelous dinner. Rachel helped me carry the dishes into the kitchen and as I washed them Rachel dried them and Criss put them away. Karalea took her bag to my bedroom and was unpacking while Sully was looking after the kids with Carrot-Top.

I showed everyone to their rooms before I walked with Karalea back up to my bedroom. I was quickly interrupted when Rachel called me and said Skylar refused to go to bed until I went in and told her goodnight and tucked her in. I smiled and told Karalea that I would be in after I told my kids night. I shuffled into the room and tucked my little princess in and gave her a kiss goodnight and turned on her little nightlight then slowly crept out the door just to be stopped by Johnny that was sleeping with Criss. I sidestepped into the bedroom, and gave Johnny a kiss and hug goodnight then I jokingly jumped beside Criss in the bed and tucked him in and kissed him on the forehead and told him night too, when I got up he slapped my ass and told me goodnight.

I was now heading to my bedroom when I heard Stutter meowing at the door again he hated the house but he really hated being outside by himself all night too so I grabbed him and carried him into Skylar's room so she could sleep with him beens she was in a room by herself she jumped in my arms when I sat Stutter down and said she saw someone in the room. I held her and calmed her down & checked out the room, I told her that no one was there now, she gave Stutter a slight squeeze and asked me to stay with her. Criss came in and asked what all the crying was about. I looked at him and said no one was crying but Skylar was afraid and didn't want me to leave her. Criss picked her up and said it was very understandable for a young kid to be afraid being in a strange house alone then he carried her and Stutter into his room and laid her on the far side of Johnny then he hopped in and told me to tell Sully that he swiped her so she could sleep with Johnny.

I grinned at him and hollered in the bedroom and told Sully and Rachel that Skylar was sleeping with Johnny and Criss. I made it to my room and crashed in beside my baby girl and kissed her and told her I was sorry for taking so long but Skylar got scared of being alone. Karalea rolled over and wrapped her arms around me and kissed me deeply and said she knew how she felt that she was feeling the same way about being in the bedroom alone that she kept hearing strange moaning noises and crying. I looked at her and said Criss said he heard that too but I didn't hear anything. I slid down under the blankets with her and we played for a few hours before finally going to sleep.

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